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Export and import content, members, relations and translations


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Export and import content, members, relations, translations and localroles


  • Export & Import content
  • Export & Import members and groups with their roles
  • Export & Import relations
  • Export & Import translations
  • Export & Import local roles
  • Export & Import order (position in parent)

Export supports:

  • Plone 4, 5 and 6
  • Archetypes and Dexterity
  • Python 2 and 3
  •, Products.LinguaPlone, raptus.multilanguagefields

Import supports:

  • Plone 5.2+, Dexterity, Python 2 and 3,



Use the form with the URL /@@export_content, and select which content type you want to export:


The downloaded json-file will have the name of the selected type, e.g. Folder.json.

The exports for members, relations, localroles and relations are linked to in this form but can also be called individually: /@@export_members, /@@export_relations, /@@export_localroles, /@@export_translations, /@@export_ordering.


Use the form with the URL /@@import_content, and upload a json-file that you want to import:


The imports for members, relations, localroles and relations are linked to in this form but can also be called individually: /@@import_members, /@@import_relations, /@@import_localroles, /@@import_translations, /@@import_ordering..

As a last step in a migration there is another view @@reset_modified_date that resets the modified date on imported content to the date initially contained in the imported json-file. This is necessary since varous changes during a migration will likely result in a updated modified-date. During import the original is stored as obj.modification_date_migrated on each new object and this view sets this date.



When a in-place-migration is not required you can choose this addon to migrate the most important parts of your site to json and then import it into a new Plone instance of your targeted version:

  • Export content from a Plone site (it supports Plone 4 and 5, Archetypes and Dexterity, Python 2 and 3).
  • Import the exported content into a new site (Plone 5.2+, Dexterity, Python 3)
  • Export and import relations, translations, users, groups and local roles.

It does not support any of the following data from your database:

  • content revisions
  • registry-settings
  • portlets
  • theme
  • installed addons


You can use this addon to

  • Archive your content as json
  • Export data to prepare a migration to another system
  • Combine content from mutiple plone-sites into one.
  • Import a plone-site as a subsite into another.
  • Import content from other systems as long as it fits the required format.
  • ...


Export content

Exporting content is basically a wrapper for the serializers of plone.restapi:

from plone.restapi.interfaces import ISerializeToJson
from zope.component import getMultiAdapter

serializer = getMultiAdapter((obj, request), ISerializeToJson)
data = serializer(include_items=False)

Import content

Importing content is a elaborate wrapper for the deserializers of plone.restapi:

from plone.restapi.interfaces import IDeserializeFromJson
from zope.component import getMultiAdapter

container.invokeFactory(item['@type'], item['id'])
deserializer = getMultiAdapter((new, self.request), IDeserializeFromJson)
new = deserializer(validate_all=False, data=item)

Use for migrations from Archetypes to Dexterity

Exporting Archetypes content and importing that as Dexterity content works fine but due to changes in field-names some settings would get lost. For example the setting to exclude content from the navigation was renamed from excludeFromNav to exclude_from_nav.

To fix this you can modify the data during import like the following example.

from collective.exportimport.import_content import ImportContent

class CustomImportContent(ImportContent):

    def global_dict_hook(self, item):
        if item.get("expirationDate"):
            item["expires"] = item["expirationDate"]
        if item.get("effectiveDate"):
            item["effective"] = item["effectiveDate"]
        if item.get("excludeFromNav"):
            item["exclude_from_nav"] = item["excludeFromNav"]
        return item

Obviously you can use the same approach to handle any changes that you made to your custom content-types. For more details on customizing see below.

Control creating imported content

Imported content is initially created with invokeFactory using portal_type and id of the exported item before deserialing the rest of the data. You can set additional values by specifying a dict factory_kwargs that will be passed to the facory. Like this you can set values on the imported object that are expected to be there by subscribers to IObjectAddedEvent.

Customize export and import

This addon is meant to be adapted to your requirements and has multiple hooks to do so.

Export Example

from collective.exportimport.export_content import ExportContent

class CustomExportContent(ExportContent):

    QUERY = {
        'Document': {'review_state': ['published', 'pending']},

    DROP_PATHS = [

    DROP_UIDS = [

    def fixup_request(self):
        """Use this to override stuff befor ethe export starts
        (e.g. force a specific language in the request)."""

    def global_obj_hook(self, obj):
        """Inspect the content item before serialisation data.
        Bad: Changing the content-item is a horrible idea.
        Good: Return None if you want to skip this particular object.
        return obj

    def global_dict_hook(self, item, obj):
        """Use this to modify or skip the serialized data.
        Return None if you want to skip this particular object.
        return item

    def dict_hook_document(self, item, obj):
        """Use this to modify or skip the serialized data by type.
        Return the modified dict (item) or None if you want to skip this particular object.
        return item

Register it with your own browserlayer to override the default:


Import Example

from collective.exportimport.import_content import ImportContent

class CustomImportContent(ImportContent):

    CONTAINER = {'Event': '/imported-events'}

    # These fields will be ignored
    DROP_FIELDS = ['relatedItems']

    # Items with these uid will be ignored
    DROP_UIDS = ['04d1477583c74552a7fcd81a9085c620']

    # These paths will be ignored
    DROP_PATHS = ['/Plone/doormat/', '/Plone/import_files/']

    # Default values for some fields
    DEFAULTS = {'which_price': 'normal'}

    def global_dict_hook(self, item):
        if isinstance(item.get('description', None), dict):
            item['description'] = item['description']['data']
        if isinstance(item.get('rights', None), dict):
            item['rights'] = item['rights']['data']
        return item

    def dict_hook_customtype(self, item):
        # change the type
        item['@type'] = 'anothertype'
        # drop a field
        item.pop('experiences', None)
        return item

    def handle_file_container(self, item):
        """Use this to specify the container in which to create the item in.
        Return the container for this particular object.
        return return self.portal['imported_files']

Register it:


Use in code

It is possible to import data in a setuphandler or upgrade-step:

from pathlib import Path
from plone import api

def full_import():
    portal = api.portal.get()
    request = aq_get(portal, 'REQUEST')

    import_content = api.content.get_view('import_content', portal, request)
    path = Path(os.path.dirname(__file__)) / 'Document.json'
    import_content(jsonfile=path.read_text(), portal_type=item.stem, return_json=True)

    path = Path(os.path.dirname(__file__)) / 'Event.json'
    import_content(jsonfile=path.read_text(), portal_type=item.stem, return_json=True)

    import_translations = api.content.get_view('import_translations', portal, request)
    path = Path(os.path.dirname(__file__)) / 'translations.json'

    import_relations = api.content.get_view('import_relations', portal, request)
    path = Path(os.path.dirname(__file__)) / 'relations.json'

    import_members = api.content.get_view('import_members', portal, request)
    path = Path(os.path.dirname(__file__)) / 'members.json'

    import_ordering = api.content.get_view('import_ordering', portal, request)
    path = Path(os.path.dirname(__file__)) / 'ordering.json'

    reset_modified = api.content.get_view('reset_modified_date', portal, request)

Save all content to var/instance/:

from plone import api
from Products.Five import BrowserView

class ExportAll(BrowserView):

    def __call__(self):
        portal_types = api.portal.get_tool('portal_types').keys()
        export_content = api.content.get_view('export_content', self.context, self.request)
        self.request.form['form.submitted'] = True
        for portal_type in portal_types:
            export_content(portal_type=portal_type, include_blobs=True, download_to_server=True)

Import all content from var/instance/import/:

from App.config import getConfiguration
from pathlib import Path
from plone import api
from plone.protect.interfaces import IDisableCSRFProtection
from Products.Five import BrowserView
from zope.interface import alsoProvides

import os

class ImportAll(BrowserView):

    def __call__(self):
        alsoProvides(self.request, IDisableCSRFProtection)
        # Start with folderish content!
        portal_types = [
            'News Item',
        instance_path = getConfiguration().clienthome
        import_content = api.content.get_view('import_content', self.context, self.request)
        self.request.form['form.submitted'] = True
        for portal_type in portal_types:
            path = Path(instance_path) / 'import' / f'{portal_type}.json'
            import_content(jsonfile=path.read_text(), portal_type=portal_type, return_json=True)

Written by


Install collective.exportimport by adding it to your buildout:



eggs =

and then running bin/buildout

You don't need to install the add-on.



If you are having issues, please let us know.


The project is licensed under the GPLv2.


Export and import content, members, relations and translations



GPL-2.0, Unknown licenses found

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  • Python 99.2%
  • Shell 0.8%