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An implementation of a Distrubuted Key Generation Protocol on the fluence network


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KeyShard facilitates distributed key generation using FROST, a threshold Schnorr signature scheme. Participants contribute to a multi-party computation protocol, generating key shares without learning the complete secret. Made on top of the Fluence Netowork providing decentralized serverless compute/
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Table of Contents
  1. About The Project
  2. Understanding KeyShard
  3. Getting Started
  4. Usage
  5. Roadmap
  6. Contributing
  7. License
  8. Contact
  9. Acknowledgments

About The Project

Product Name Screen Shot

Centralized key management poses a serious risk to the cryptocurrency industry. Frequently, the private key used to transfer enormous sums of money is held by just one person. Because of this, hackers have an allure because it just takes one point of compromise to cause a disastrous loss.

FROST and other DKG protocols provide a workaround. The secure severless compute layer of Fluence, which guarantees no secret leaks, is leveraged by KeyShard, a DKG application based on the Fluence network, to address this difficulty. KeyShard uses FROST to generate threshold keys so that no participant ever knows the whole secret. High-value crypto transaction security is greatly increased as a result of the distribution of trust and the removal of the centralized attack vector.

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Understanding KeyShard

Understanding FROST(Flexible Round-Optimized Schnorr Threshold Signatures)

Here is the algorithm from the research paper


The implmentaion of the above algorithm is explained in or open the dropdown below!!


Implementation and adoption of the FROST key generation protocol in KeyShard

FROST Key Generation Implementation

Main Functions

  1. Round 1 Initiation:

    • Each participant starts Round 1 by generating their initial state and message.
    • The dkg_part1 function is called for each participant, storing the resulting states and messages.
  2. Round 1 Message Combination:

    • Each participant processes the messages received from others to update their state.
    • The combine_round1_msgs function is called to combine the messages for each participant, finalizing their Round 1 state.
  3. Round 2 Initiation:

    • Each participant transitions to Round 2 using their finalized Round 1 state.
    • The intiate_round2 function is called to generate the Round 2 state and shares.
  4. Round 2 Share Addition:

    • Participants exchange and process the shares received from others.
    • The add_shares function is called to add shares to each participant's Round 2 state.
  5. Round 2 Completion:

    • Each participant finalizes their Round 2 state to produce their share of the secret key.
    • The end_round2 function is called to complete Round 2 and produce the final shares.
  6. Secret Reconstruction:

    • The final shares are combined to reconstruct the original secret.
    • The reconstruct_share function is called to verify the correctness of the DKG protocol.



This function initiates Round 1 for a participant:

  • It generates the participant's initial state and message using a provided secret and cryptographic context.
  • It returns the serialized state and message for further processing.


This function processes the messages received during Round 1:

  • It deserializes the state and messages, and updates the participant's state with the received messages.
  • It returns the serialized final state for transitioning to Round 2.


This function initiates Round 2 for a participant:

  • It deserializes the final Round 1 state and generates the Round 2 state and shares.
  • It returns the serialized state and shares for further processing.


This function processes the shares received during Round 2:

  • It deserializes the Round 2 state and received shares, and updates the participant's state with the received shares.
  • It returns the serialized final state for completing Round 2.


This function finalizes Round 2 for a participant:

  • It deserializes the Round 2 state and produces the participant's share of the secret key, along with the public key and threshold public key.
  • It returns the serialized share and keys for verification.


This function verifies the correctness of the DKG protocol by reconstructing the secret:

  • It deserializes and combines the final shares to reconstruct the original secret.
  • It compares the reconstructed secret with the expected value to ensure correctness.

Core Implementation of FROST Key Generation

Round 1: Initialization and Share Distribution

Struct Round1State:

Fields: id, threshold, shares, coeff_comms, secret.


  • start_with_random_secret<R, D>: Generate random secret, initialize state.
  • start_with_given_secret<R, D>: Feldman VSS to create shares, commitments; Schnorr PoK.
  • add_received_message: Validate Schnorr PoK, store commitments.
  • finish(): Check threshold, transition to Round 2.

Struct Round1Msg:

Fields: sender_id, comm_coeffs, schnorr_proof.

Round 2: Share Collection and Verification

Struct Round2State:

Fields: id, threshold, shares, coeff_comms.


  • add_received_share<'a>: Validate and store shares.
  • finish<'a>: Generate final share, participant’s public key, threshold public key.

Key Steps

  • Random Secret Generation: G::ScalarField::rand(rng).
  • Feldman VSS: feldman_vss::deal_secret().
  • Schnorr PoK: PokDiscreteLogProtocol::init(), compute_random_oracle_challenge(), schnorr.gen_proof().
  • Message Handling: Verify Schnorr PoK, store polynomial commitments.
  • Share Verification: Validate shares against commitments.
  • Public Key Computation: Aggregate public keys, G::mul_bigint().




Interacts with a Gateway residing in front of the Fluence peer-to-peer (P2P) network.


It is the reverse proxy which calls the below aqua services. All the API's for the gateway can be found in

API Refernce

API Reference

Round One

Run Round One

  • URL: /my/callback/roundOne
  • Method: POST
  • Description: Initiates round one of the process.
  • Request Body:
      "id": "number",
      "secret": "number"
  • Response Body:
      "round1_state": [],
      "round1_msg": [],
      "secret": "string"

Add Round One Messages

  • URL: /my/callback/roundOne/addMessages
  • Method: POST
  • Description: Adds messages to round one of the process.
  • Request Body:
      "id": "number",
      "messages": [[]],
      "round1State": []
  • Response Body:
      "round1_state": []

Round Two

Initiate Round Two

  • URL: /my/callback/roundTwo/initiate
  • Method: POST
  • Description: Initiates round two of the process.
  • Request Body:
      "round1State": []
  • Response Body:
      "round2_state": [],
      "shares": []

Add Shares

  • URL: /my/callback/roundTwo/addShares
  • Method: POST
  • Description: Adds shares to round two of the process.
  • Request Body:
      "round2State": [],
      "shares": [[]],
      "id": "number"
  • Response Body:
      "round2_state": []

End Round Two

  • URL: /my/callback/roundTwo/end
  • Method: POST
  • Description: Ends round two of the process.
  • Request Body:
      "round2State": []
  • Response Body:
      "share": [],
      "pk": "string",
      "t_pk": "string"

Share Reconstruction

Reconstruct Share

  • URL: /my/callback/reconstruct
  • Method: POST
  • Description: Reconstructs shares.
  • Request Body:
      "shares": [[]]
  • Response Body:
      "recontructed_share": "string"

Function Refrences

These are the functions used in mySevices



  • identitfier: u16 The identifier which uniquely identifies the participant
  • secret: u64 The secret for all people to sign


  • Round1Result:
    • round1_state: Vec<u8>
    • round1_msg: Vec<u8>



  • round1_state: Vec<u8>
  • round1_messages: Vec<Vec<u8>>
  • identifier: u16


  • Round1FinalState:
    • round1_state: Vec<u8>



  • round1_state: Vec<u8>


  • Round2Result:
    • round2_state: Vec<u8>
    • shares: Vec<u8>



  • round2_state: Vec<u8>
  • all_shares: Vec<Vec<u8>>
  • identifier: u16


  • Round2FinalState:
    • round2_state: Vec<u8>



  • round2_state: Vec<u8>


  • EndRound2Result:
    • share: Vec<u8>
    • pk: String
    • t_pk: String



  • final_share: Vec<Vec<u8>>
  • round1_final_states: Vec<Vec<u8>>


  • ()

Aqua Services (DKG Service)

Acts as a serverless service deployed on the Fluence network. Offers the following functionalities: All the code can be found in src/aqua/main.aqua

dkg_part1(identifier, secret)

Initiates the DKG process for a participant.

  • identifier: Unique identifier for the participant.
  • secret: Global Secret all the parties decide on( used in FROST).

Returns a Round1Result containing:

  • round1_state: Internal state used for subsequent rounds.
  • round1_msg: Message to be broadcast to other participants in round 1 ( containing a FROST partial public key).
  • secret : The secret in the prime field
combine_round1_msgs(round1_state, round1_messages, identifier)

Combines received round 1 messages.

  • round1_state: Internal state from dkg_part1.
  • round1_messages: Collection of messages received from other participants in round 1.
  • identifier: Participant's identifier.

Returns a Round1FinalState: Updated internal state for round 2.


Initiates round 2 of the DKG protocol.

  • round1_state: Final state from combine_round1_msgs.

Returns a Round2Result containing:

  • round2_state: Internal state for subsequent calls.
  • shares: Participant's share of the generated key.
add_shares(round2_state, all_shares, identifier)

Aggregates key shares from other participants.

  • round2_state: Internal state from initiate_round2.
  • all_shares: Collection of key shares received from other participants.
  • identifier: Participant's identifier.

Returns a Round2FinalState: Updated internal state for reconstruction.


Finalizes the key generation process.

  • round2_state: Final state from add_shares.

Returns an EndRound2Result containing:

  • share: Participant's final key share.
  • pk: Participant's public key derived from the share.
  • t_pk: Threshold public key (likely reconstructed using a threshold of shares).

(Optional) Reconstructs the complete key if authorized.

  • final_shares: Collection of final key shares from all participants.

Returns a FinalResult containing:

  • reconstructed_share: The complete reconstructed key (accessible only to authorized parties).

Getting Started

This is an example of how you may give instructions on setting up your project locally. To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.


  • Fluence cli
    curl -qsL | bash

Ensure your node version is 18.x


  1. Clone the repo
    git clone && cd keyShard
  2. Start the local chain enviorment
    fluence local up
  3. Build and deploy
    fluence build && fluence deploy myDeployment
  4. Run the Gateway
    cd src/gateway && npm i && npm start
  5. Run the frontend
    cd src/frontend && yarn && yarn dev
Voila! now keyShard Should be running on localhost:5173

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Adaptable and Expandable for DAO Governance:

  • Flexibility: The FROST protocol allows for optimization based on network conditions by providing two or single communication rounds with preprocessing. Fluence scales effectively to handle an increasing number of users.
  • Advantages for DAOs: DAOs may restrict access to sensitive resources and safely handle keys for a variety of governance tasks, such as multi-signature wallets. This strategy goes beyond DAOs. KeyShard is applicable to a number of scenarios that call for distributed and secure key generation, including secure communications, safe multi-party computation, secure collaboration platforms, secure bootstrapping for dApps, and secure key sharing for wallets and vaults.

KeyShard, built on the foundation of FROST DKG and Fluence, empowers secure and scalable distributed key generation for various applications, particularly within DAOs, fostering trust, transparency, and resilience in their governance processes.

KeyShard tackles a critical issue in cryptocurrency wallets and vaults: single points of failure from private keys. It leverages FROST DKG on the Fluence network to distribute key generation. Participants collaboratively create a secret key split into shares. No one holds the entire key, and a threshold of shares is needed for access. This eliminates a central point of attack and fosters secure, decentralized management of digital assets.

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  • Advanced Threshold Schemes: For a fixed threshold (t), KeyShard probably uses Shamir's Secret Sharing at the moment. Key reconstruction may be possible even in the event that a predetermined percentage of players are hostile or unavailable if more complex threshold mechanisms, such as Byzantine Fault Tolerance (BFT), are put into use.
  • Recovery Mechanisms: In the event that essential shares are misplaced or compromised, a recovery mechanism may prove advantageous. This would entail integrating FROST DKG with a secure multi-party computation (MPC) protocol that permits share regeneration under particular circumstances and authorization processes.

See the open issues for a full list of proposed features (and known issues).

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Research Papers

The Frost Paper


Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.

If you have a suggestion that would make this better, please fork the repo and create a pull request. You can also simply open an issue with the tag "enhancement". Don't forget to give the project a star! Thanks again!

  1. Fork the Project
  2. Create your Feature Branch (git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature)
  3. Commit your Changes (git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature')
  4. Push to the Branch (git push origin feature/AmazingFeature)
  5. Open a Pull Request

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Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt for more information.

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Utkarsh - @utkarshdagoat - [email protected]

Project Link:

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An implementation of a Distrubuted Key Generation Protocol on the fluence network







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