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AWS Lambda Code Signing GitHub Action


AWS Lambda Code Signing GitHub Action


AWS Lambda Code Signing GitHub Action

GitHub action which uses AWS Code Signer to sign ✍🏼 AWS Lambda artifacts 📦 from your pipeline


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: AWS Lambda Code Signing GitHub Action

uses: clowdhaus/[email protected]

Learn more about this action in clowdhaus/aws-lambda-code-signing-action

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AWS Lambda Code Signing


Strict TypeScript Commitizen friendly Known Vulnerabilities

integration test

GitHub action which uses AWS Code Signer to sign ✍🏼 AWS Lambda artifacts 📦 from your pipeline.


See the AWS documentation for more details related to code signing AWS Lambda artifacts.


The following is an example of creating a signing job and retrieving the resulting jobId.

    name: Upload to Amazon S3
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Sign AWS Lambda artifact
        uses: clowdhaus/aws-lambda-code-signing-action/@main
        id: signed
          aws-region: us-east-1
          source-s3-bucket: source-s3-bucket-us-east-1
          source-s3-key: unsigned/
          source-s3-version: xtmNOx66ZujPT5G.ihF6p60zz8hF5YAK
          destination-s3-bucket: destination-s3-bucket-us-east-1 # can re-use same bucket
          destination-s3-prefix: signed/
          profile-name: AwsLambdaCodeSigningAction20211013170708789000654321

      - name: Outputs
        run: |
          echo "${{ steps.signed.outputs.job-id }}"
          echo "${{ steps.signed.outputs.signed-object-key }}"

Sign & Wait

    name: Upload to Amazon S3
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Sign AWS Lambda artifact
        uses: clowdhaus/aws-lambda-code-signing-action/@main
          aws-region: us-east-1
          source-s3-bucket: source-s3-bucket-us-east-1
          source-s3-key: unsigned/
          source-s3-version: xtmNOx66ZujPT5G.ihF6p60zz8hF5YAK
          destination-s3-bucket: destination-s3-bucket-us-east-1 # can re-use same bucket
          destination-s3-prefix: signed/
          profile-name: AwsLambdaCodeSigningAction20211013170708789000654321
          wait-until-successful: true
          max-wait-time: 60

Sign & Rename

The following configuration will create a signing job, wait for the job to finish, and then rename the signed object from the AWS Signer output of <job-id>.<source-file-extension> to <destination-s3-prefix>/<source-file-name-and-extension>. Given the configuration below, there would be two signed artifacts created:

  1. <job-id>.zip created by the AWS Signer job
  2. signed/ created by the action (using rename-signed-object: true)

Because the job must complete successfully before the signed object can be renamed, wait-until-successful is not required but it will be treated as though its true. Therefore, you can also set the amount of wait time when renaming to give the job more time if necessary.

    name: Upload to Amazon S3
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Sign AWS Lambda artifact & rename signed artifact
        uses: clowdhaus/aws-lambda-code-signing-action/@main
        id: signed
          aws-region: us-east-1
          source-s3-bucket: source-s3-bucket-us-east-1
          source-s3-key: unsigned/
          source-s3-version: xtmNOx66ZujPT5G.ihF6p60zz8hF5YAK
          destination-s3-bucket: destination-s3-bucket-us-east-1 # can re-use same bucket
          destination-s3-prefix: signed/
          profile-name: AwsLambdaCodeSigningAction20211013170708789000654321
          max-wait-time: 60
          rename-signed-object: true

      - name: Outputs
        run: |
          echo "${{ steps.signed.outputs.job-id }}"
          echo "${{ steps.signed.outputs.renamed-signed-object-key }}"

AWS Signing Resources

See the __infra__ directory for example of resource definitions necessary for signing.

Getting Started

The following instructions will help you get setup for development and testing purposes.


yarn is used to handle dependencies and executing scripts on the codebase.

See here for instructions on installing yarn on your local machine.

Once you have installed yarn, you can install the project dependencies by running the following command from within the project root directory:

  $ yarn


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