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Brisbane Social Chess Inc IA4682418 ABN 20129327738 rules

  1. The name of the incorporated association is Brisbane Social Chess Inc. (‘the club’).
  2. The objects of the club are to — a) Promote the playing of chess in person in amenable surroundings in and around the City of Brisbane in Queensland Australia. b) Be the cause of dormant chess players to take up the game again. c) Using social enterprise principles, encourage fun, free and friendly social chess everywhere. d) Welcome and encourage everyone. e) Promote chess as a constructive pastime for adults and children to learn. f) Spark resilience and develop mental toughness in response to loss and defeat. g) Protect and foster universal values of competition, merit, equal opportunity, and freedom.
  3. The club has all the powers of an individual.
  4. The club will take control over the present unincorporated association known as the Brisbane Social Chess group on and the Facebook Page Brisbane Social Chess.
  5. The membership of the club and subclasses of members is unlimited.
  6. All members are collectively referred to as ‘Members’ but Members who are not Financial Members are referred to as ‘Social Members’.
  7. All Members are categorised into one (or more) of the following subclasses. a) “Unpaid” Members have never paid a membership fee or made a donation to the club. b) “Paid” Members have paid an annual fee at least once but their financial membership has lapsed. c) “Financial” Members have paid an annual fee which has not lapsed. Only Financial Members are eligible to be on the management committee and vote at Club meetings. d) “Sponsor” Members have donated to the club.
  8. An application for membership must be completed online and all membership payments or donations must be paid online.
  9. The membership fees are the amounts decided by the management committee but if no such resolution the fees are: a) Joining fee of $10 b) One year membership $10.
  10. The management committee may accept or reject membership applications in its absolute discretion. The management committee may delegate the acceptance or rejection of membership applications to a person and/or an automated process based upon required answers to a series of questions or by an algorithm.
  11. Any Member may resign from the club anytime by written notice with immediate effect.
  12. The management committee may expel a Member without notice provided only that such expulsion is believed to be in the best interests of the club.
  13. A person whose application for membership has been rejected or who has been expelled may give the secretary written notice of appeal within 28 days after the person receives notice of the decision. If the appeal is lodged within time, it must be heard and decided by the management committee after allowing the appellant a fair opportunity to state their case (which may be confined to writing).
  14. The management committee must keep a register of Members with at least the following information. a) a name b) an e-mail address c) payments made by that Member for membership, sponsorship, or other donations.
  15. The secretary must be a Financial Member residing in or near Brisbane.
  16. Appointments by the management committee of the secretary must occur within 14 days of any vacancy in the office of secretary.
  17. The secretary is a member of the management committee.
  18. The management committee may remove the secretary.
  19. The management committee of the club consists of a president, treasurer, and secretary and any other Financial Members elected at a general meeting or are appointed to the management committee by the management committee.
  20. At each annual general meeting of the club, every member of the management committee must retire from office, but they are eligible for re-election if they are financial Members.
  21. A member of the management committee may resign from the management committee but remain a Member, at any time by written notice with immediate effect.
  22. A member of the management committee may be removed from office at a general meeting of the club if a two-thirds majority of the Members eligible to vote favour removal. If carried, there is no right of appeal.
  23. The management committee has the general control and management of the administration of the affairs, property and funds of the club. The secretary will safeguard any common seal, security tokens or the like for the club with use thereof requiring authorisation of the management committee, with content and form thereof in compliance with these rules and applicable legislation and regulations.
  24. The management committee may meet virtually/online. A majority vote prevails, and equality of votes is decided in the negative. The Secretary will record minutes of the management committee meetings. The management committee must meet after reasonable notice is given by the president and no less than once every 3 calendar months.
  25. The quorum for a management committee meeting is 3.
  26. The first annual general meeting of the club must be held within 3 months after the end date of the club's first reportable financial year.
  27. Each subsequent annual general meeting must be held at least once each year and within 3 months after the end date of the club's reportable financial year.
  28. The following business must be conducted at each annual general meeting of the club a) verification of accuracy of previous year’s AGM minutes. b) receiving the club's financial statement and audit report for the last reportable financial year; c) presenting the financial statement and audit report to the meeting for adoption; d) electing of the management committee; e) appointing an auditor or an accountant for the present financial year.
  29. The secretary or president may call a general meeting of the club to consider a special resolution anytime and must call a general meeting of the club whenever required by either a majority of the management committee or 25 Financial Members.
  30. General meetings require no less than 14 days notice to members. Such notice must state why the meeting is being called and the business to be conducted. Notice is given by sending an e-mail to the members as recorded against each Members name in the members register.
  31. The quorum for a general meeting is 7 or all financial members of the club (whichever is the lesser).
  32. If no quorum is achieved for a general meeting, it is adjourned to the same time the following week and those financial members who participate constitute the quorum.
  33. Members may participate in a general meeting by using any technology approved by the management committee that allows them to take part.
  34. Each question, matter or resolution, other than a special resolution, at a general meeting must be decided by a majority of votes of financial members (including any vote of the chairman).
  35. Votes may not be cast by proxy but otherwise, the method of voting is to be decided by the management committee.
  36. The secretary must record the minutes of all general meetings. Members have a right to inspect the minutes upon reasonable prior notice to the Secretary. The minutes of all general meetings are to be verified by resolution at the next general meeting.
  37. The management committee may make, amend, or repeal by-laws, consistent with these rules, for the internal management of the club.
  38. Any changes to these rules require a special resolution (75% or more) carried at a general meeting. The management committee may make, amend or repeal by-laws, not inconsistent with these rules, for the internal management of the club. A by-law may be set aside by a vote of financial members at a general meeting of the club. Subject to the Associations Incorporation Act 1981, these rules may be amended, repealed, or added to by a special resolution carried at a general meeting. However, an amendment, repeal or addition is valid only if it is registered by the chief executive.
  39. The funds of the club must be kept in an account in the name of the club with a bank requiring two signatories to operate. All expenditure must be approved or ratified at management committee meetings. If not approved or ratified, such expenditure should be recovered as a debt.
  40. Proper financial records must be maintained, and review thereof be an agenda item at all meetings.
  41. The treasurer must, as soon as practicable after the end date of each financial year, ensure a financial statement for its last reportable financial year is prepared.
  42. The income and property of the club must be used solely in promoting the club's objects and exercising the club's powers.
  43. The end date of the club's financial year is 30 June each year.
  44. If the club is wound-up under part 10 of the Associations Incorporation Act 1981 and has surplus assets then the surplus assets must not be distributed among the members of the club. Instead, the surplus assets must be given to another entity having objects similar to the club's objects; and the rules of which prohibit the distribution of the entity's income and assets to its members.


Constitution of the club






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