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Trino with the Aeropsike connector Docker Image.


Build a Docker image. Make sure to adjust the server and the connector configuration in the docker/etc folder. You can pass the TRINO_VERSION and the CONNECTOR_VERSION arguments with the docker build command.

docker build . -t trino-aerospike

To launch it, execute the following:

docker run --rm -p 8080:8080 --name trino-aerospike trino-aerospike

[optional] If you plan to set up TLS between Aerospike and Trino, copy the TLS related files over to the Docker image by updating the Dockerfile. See the environment variables list below for more information on the TLS related properties. Here’s an example of the line added to the Dockerfile to copy files from the local docker/etc directory over to the Docker image: COPY --chown=trino:trino docker/etc /etc/trino.

Below is the list of environment variables you can specify to configure the Trino server and the Aerospike connector using the -e option.

Variable Description Default Value
AS_HOSTLIST Aerospike host list, a comma separated list of potential hosts to seed the cluster.
TABLE_DESC_DIR Path of the directory containing table description files.1 /etc/trino/aerospike
SPLIT_NUMBER Number of Trino splits. See Parallelism section for more information. 4
CACHE_TTL_MS Number of milliseconds to keep the inferred schema cached. 1800000
STRICT_SCHEMAS Use a strict schema.2 false
DEFAULT_SET_NAME Table name for the default set. This is used when your namespace has a null set or no sets. __default
RECORD_KEY_NAME Column name for the record's primary key. Use this in the WHERE clause for queries involving primary key (PK) comparisons. __key
RECORD_KEY_HIDDEN If set to false, the primary key column will be available in the result set. true
INSERT_REQUIRE_KEY Require the primary key on INSERT queries. Although we recommend that you provide a primary key, you can choose not to by setting this property to false, in which case a UUID is generated for the PK. You can view it by setting aerospike.record-key-hidden to false for future queries. true
CASE_INSENSITIVE_IDENTIFIERS Enables case-insensitive name resolution. Has minor performance penalty when enabled. false
AS_TLS_ENABLED Enable secure TLS connection. false
AS_TLS_STORE_TYPE The type of the keystore. jks
AS_TLS_KEYSTORE_PATH Keystore file path.
AS_TLS_TRUSTSTORE_PATH Truststore file path.
AS_TLS_FOR_LOGIN_ONLY Use TLS connection only for login authentication. false
TRINO_DISCOVERY_URI The URI to the Discovery server. This should be the URI of the Trino coordinator. Replace the default value to match the host and port of the Trino coordinator. This URI must not end in a slash. http://localhost:8080
TRINO_NODE_TYPE The Trino node type, can be either coordinator or worker. single-node

1 To set the required schema configuration, bind-mount the table description folder on docker run.

-v "$(pwd)"/docker/etc/aerospike:/etc/trino/aerospike

Wait for the following message log line:

INFO	main	io.trino.server.Server	======== SERVER STARTED ========

The Trino server is now running on localhost:8080 (the default port).

Multi-Node Trino Cluster

To run a Trino cluster of one coordinator and one worker:

  • Start a Trino coordinator.
docker run --rm -p 8080:8080 -e TRINO_NODE_TYPE=coordinator -e --name trino-aerospike-coordinator trino-aerospike
  • Start a Trino worker1, specify the TRINO_DISCOVERY_URI to be the URI of the Trino coordinator.
docker run --rm -e TRINO_NODE_TYPE=worker -e -e TRINO_DISCOVERY_URI= --name trino-aerospike-worker trino-aerospike

1 Run this command number of times with different container names to add more workers.

Aerospike Connector Configuration Properties

The following configuration properties are available:

Property name Description Default value
aerospike.hostname Aerospike hostname. Hostname will be ignored if hostlist is specified. localhost
aerospike.port Aerospike port. 3000
aerospike.hostlist Aerospike host list, a comma separated list of potential hosts to seed the cluster. null
aerospike.table-desc-dir Path of the directory containing table description files. etc/aerospike
aerospike.split-number Number of Trino splits. See Parallelism section for more information. 16
aerospike.cache-ttl-ms Schema inference cache TTL in milliseconds. 1800000
aerospike.default-set-name Table name for the default set. __default
aerospike.strict-schemas Use a strict schema.1 false
aerospike.record-key-name Column name for the record's primary key. __key
aerospike.record-key-hidden If set to false, the primary key column will be available in the result set. true
aerospike.enable-statistics Generate statistics for Cost-Based Optimization (CBO). Currently, the Trino connector only supports the row count. Please make sure to turn on CBO in Trino. false
aerospike.insert-require-key Require the primary key on INSERT queries. Although we recommend that you provide a primary key, you can choose not to by setting this property to false, in which case a UUID is generated for the PK. You can view it by setting aerospike.record-key-hidden to false for future queries. true Enables case-insensitive name resolution. Has minor performance penalty when enabled. false

1 Since Trino is a SQL engine, it assumes that the underlying data store (Aerospike in this case) follows a strict schema for all the records within a table. However, Aerospike is a No-SQL DB and is schemaless. Hence a single bin (mapped to a Trino column) within a set (mapped to a Trino table) could technically hold values of multiple Aerospike supported types. The Trino connector reconciles this incompatibility with help of certain rules. Please choose the configuration that suits your use case. The strict configuration (aerospike.strict-schemas = true) could be used when you have modeled your data in Aerospike to adhere to a strict schema i.e. each record within the set has the same structure.

  1. aerospike.strict-schemas = false (default)
    If none of the column types in the user-specified schema match the bin types of a record in Aerospike, a record with NULLs is returned in the result set.
    If the above mismatch is limited to fewer columns in the user-specified schema then NULL would be returned for those columns in the result set. Note: there is no way to tell apart a NULL due to missing value in the original data set and the NULL due to mismatch, at this point. Hence, the user would have to treat all NULLs as missing values. The columns that are not a part of the schema will be automatically filtered out in the result set by the connector.
  2. aerospike.strict-schemas = true
    If a mismatch between the user-specified schema and the schema of a record in Aerospike is detected at the bin/column level, your query will error out.

Aerospike client policy configuration properties

Property name Description Default value
aerospike.clientpolicy.user User authentication to cluster. null
aerospike.clientpolicy.password Password authentication to cluster. null
aerospike.clientpolicy.clusterName Expected cluster name. null
aerospike.clientpolicy.authMode Authentication mode to use when user/password is defined (INTERNAL, EXTERNAL, EXTERNAL_INSECURE)1. INTERNAL
aerospike.clientpolicy.connPoolsPerNode Number of synchronous connection pools used for each node. 1
aerospike.clientpolicy.maxConnsPerNode Maximum number of synchronous connections allowed per server node. 300
aerospike.clientpolicy.maxSocketIdle Maximum socket idle in seconds. Socket connection pools will discard sockets that have been idle longer than the maximum. 55
aerospike.clientpolicy.tendInterval Interval in milliseconds between cluster tends by maintenance thread. 1000
aerospike.clientpolicy.timeout Initial host connection timeout in milliseconds. The timeout when opening a connection to the server host for the first time. 1000
aerospike.clientpolicy.failIfNotConnected Throw exception if all seed connections fail on cluster instantiation. true
aerospike.clientpolicy.sharedThreadPool Is threadPool shared between other client instances or classes. If threadPool is not shared (default), threadPool will be shutdown when the client instance is closed. false
aerospike.clientpolicy.useServicesAlternate Should use "services-alternate" instead of "services" in info request during cluster tending. false

1 INTERNAL - Use internal authentication only. Hashed password is stored on the server. Do not send clear password. This is the default.
EXTERNAL - Use external authentication (like LDAP). Specific external authentication is configured on server. If TLS defined, send clear password on node login via TLS. Throw exception if TLS is not defined.
EXTERNAL_INSECURE - Use external authentication (like LDAP). Specific external authentication is configured on server. Send clear password on node login whether or not TLS is defined. This mode should only be used for testing purposes because it is not secure authentication.

Aerospike scan policy configuration properties

Property name Description Default value
aerospike.scanpolicy.recordsPerSecond Limit returned records per second (rps) rate for each server. Do not apply rps limit if recordsPerSecond is zero. 0
aerospike.scanpolicy.maxConcurrentNodes Maximum number of concurrent requests to server nodes at any point in time. Issue requests to all server nodes in parallel if maxConcurrentNodes is zero. 0


Trino supports Authentication of users that connect to it via various clients such as Jupyter notebook, BI tools, and CLI. The below section describes how you can additionally set up authentication and authorization to make sure only authorized users can read and/or write to Aerospike DB.

Session properties

You can change the default value of a session property by using SET SESSION. They are set separately for each catalog by prefixing them with the catalog name. There is no sharing of properties across catalogs, even if the catalogs use the same connector.

SET SESSION aerospike.client_policy_user = 'admin';

Property name Description Default value
client_policy_user User authentication to cluster. aerospike.clientpolicy.user configuration value
client_policy_password Password authentication to cluster. aerospike.clientpolicy.password configuration value

If you are using internal authentication, make sure that the user and the password are provisioned in the Aerospike DB along with the associated roles. See Configuring access control for more information.

Aerospike client policy TLS configuration properties

Property name Description Default value
aerospike.clientpolicy.tls.enabled Enable secure TLS connection. false
aerospike.clientpolicy.tls.storeType The type of the keystore. jks
aerospike.clientpolicy.tls.keystorePath Keystore file path. null
aerospike.clientpolicy.tls.keystorePassword Keystore password. null
aerospike.clientpolicy.tls.keyPassword Key password. null
aerospike.clientpolicy.tls.truststorePath Truststore file path. null
aerospike.clientpolicy.tls.truststorePassword Truststore password. null
aerospike.clientpolicy.tls.forLoginOnly Use TLS connection only for login authentication. false
aerospike.clientpolicy.tls.allowedCiphers A comma separated list of allowable TLS ciphers to use for the secure connection. Default ciphers defined by JVM
aerospike.clientpolicy.tls.allowedProtocols A comma separated list of allowable TLS protocols to use for the secure connection. TLSv1.2


Aerospike connector supports up to Integer.MAX_VALUE splits (i.e. 2^31-1 Trino splits) for parallel partition scans by Trino workers. Splits is the unit of parallelism in Trino. Hence, we can support up to ~2B Trino worker threads (configurable by setting task.max-worker-threads in Trino). Setting this value too high may cause a drop in performance due to context switching.

Data mapping

Data Sources

Aerospike Trino
cluster catalog
namespace schema
set table
record row
bin column

Variable types

Aerospike Trino
Value.ListValue JSON
Value.MapValue JSON
Value.GeoJSONValue JSON


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