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RailsGirlsSubmissions application is designed to receive and rate submissions for RailsGirls workshops.


 git clone [email protected]:LunarLogic/rails-girls-submissions.git
 cd rails-girls-submissions

 gem install bundler

Then create your own secrets.yml file. We use omniauth-github for authenticating users. You need to add new application on Github (use http://localhost:3000 as homepage URL and http://localhost:3000/users/auth/github/callback as authorization callback URL) and fill secrets.yml with corresponding app_id and app_secret. Replace the example values for dev/test environment and set the environment variables on your production server. The mailer is configured to work with Mandrill (see Email setup section below).

 cp config/secrets.yml.example config/secrets.yml

Add your primary GitHub email to allowed_users.yml

 cp config/allowed_users.yml.example config/allowed_users.yml

Next, setup the db and run the server.

 bundle exec rake db:setup
 rails s

Lastly, open the browser and go localhost:3000 or, if in production environment, wherever the app is deployed. You should see a "Coming Soon" page.

To access the admin panel, go to /admin and log in to the app through GitHub. Then, click "Settings" in the upper-right corner and configure your application.

Email setup

We use Mandrill to send transactional emails. For Mandrill to work properly, you must provide appropriate config through config/secrets.yml (host and all keys under the mandrill namespace).

sender_email under mandrill in config/secrets.yml is the email address that all emails will be sent from. This is different than the contact email you can configure through the settings panel. The contact email appears in the reply-to field in the emails.

Imagine a scenario in which your team uses a Gmail account for communication - you'd like all replies to your email go to that address. You can't use Mandrill to send emails from a Gmail account, as Mandrill requires you to configure your domain first and you don't own

There are two solutions to that problem:

  1. Set sender_email to an email under a domain that you configured in Mandrill and set the contact email through the settings panel to your Gmail address. The sender email can be set to something like [email protected] - only the domain part is important, the account doesn't actually have to exist.
  2. Set sender_email to an email under a domain that you configured in Mandrill and add a forward rule which is going to forward all emails from this address to your Gmail address. In that case sender_email can be equal to the contact email.

Usually the first solution is easier to set up.


  • RSpec: bundle exec rspec spec (in the app's directory)

  • Capybara: by default, capybara uses the rack_test driver, which is not suitable for testing some features dependent on JavaScript. In such cases:

    • Install chromedriver: brew install chromedriver
    • Make sure your gems are up-to-date: bundle install
    • Annotate your specs with js: true, which will change the driver to selenium for the particular test:
    describe "the rating process", js: true do
      it "visits submission page, finds and clicks rate button" do
        expect{ }.to change(submission.rates, :count).by(1)

    Another advantage of using selenium is that while running the specs, it opens s browser window and shows live the actions it performs, which could be useful for debugging the specs.

    The configuration for the drivers can be found in the spec/rails_helper.

  • Emails (locally):

    • To see the emails, take a look into the server logs or capture them with Mailcatcher:
    1. gem install mailcatcher
    • run mailcatcher in a terminal
    • go to http://localhost:1080/
    • Upgrade your crontab so that the rake tasks are run on schedule
    1. run RAILS_ENV=development whenever -w
    • wait to get an email or change your time in computer settings ;]

Registration flow

As soon as an applicant sends their submission the following things happen:

  1. If a submission breaks the default rules (an applicant took part in RailsGirls before or they can't speak English), it is rejected (see "Rejected tab"). Else, it shows in the "Valid" tab.
  2. Admins use "To rate" tab to assess the submission - show a submission, comment on it and give a rate.
  3. If the number of admins who rated a submission is large enough (see "Settings"), the submission is moved from "To rate" tab to "Results" tab.
  4. "Results" hold all rated submission ordered by their average rate. At first, they should have "Invitation" status of "not invited".
  5. By clicking a "Send emails" button you can start sending emails. Two tasks scheduled in your crontab will be executed every day starting from now:
    • One will send invitation emails to applicants with the best average rate if there is an available spot. This means at first there will be available_spots (see "Settings") number of invitations sent. It might happen some spots are freed after some time (i.e. when someone's invitation expired - see below). In this case, there will be a number of invitations sent so that all the spots are filled. If a applicant was sent an invitation email, their "Invitation" status should change to "invited".
    • The other - a reminder email - will be send to all the applicants who received an invitation email and their invitation expires in two days.
  6. Invited applicants have some time (to set the time see "Settings") to confirm the invitations. They do it by clicking on the link in the invitation email. If the invitation is confirmed in time (which can be set in "Settings"), the "Invitation" status changes to "confirmed". Otherwise, it changes to "expired".
  7. All the applicants who confirmed an invitation can be seen in "Participants" tab. It is your participants list, which you can download by clicking a "Download" button.

Adapting the app for other events

If you had to change something that is not mentioned here, while going through the process, please create a PR or drop us a line!

You might want to change:

  • Login page - replace app/assets/images/rails-girls-krakow-2016.png
  • "Coming soon" page - views/submissions/preparation.html.erb
  • "Thank you" page - views/submissions/thank_you.html.erb
  • "Closed" page - views/submissions/closed.html.erb
  • "Invitation confirmed" page - views/submissions/invitation_confirmed.html.erb
  • "Invitation expired" page - views/submissions/invitation_expired.html.erb
  • 404.html, 422.html, 500.html
  • rejection rules - add or remove rule classes (app/services/rules) and reflect the changes in app/services/submission_rejector's RULES array
  • styles - app/assets/stylesheets
  • settings (in the admin panel of the app)
  • emails
    • content - files in app/views/invitations_mailer, app/mailers/application_mailer.rb, and app/mailers/invitations_mailer.rb
    • schedule - config/schedule.rb
  • default HTML <title> - app/views/layouts/application.html.erb
  • submission form
    • HTML <title>app/views/submissions/new.html.erb
    • title - app/views/submissions/_form.html.erb
    • footer/side pane - app/views/submissions/new.html.erb, replace app/assets/images/rails-girls-krakow-2016.png
    • fields
      • use "QuestionCreator" (admin panel) for managing "how well do you..." questions
      • to change possible answers to questions to "how well do you..." questions look into
        • value enum in app/models/answer
        • the legend in app/views/questions/_form.html.erb
        • the answer form in app/views/submissions/_answer_form.html.erb
      • removing other fields - the easiest way is to add visibility="hidden" and some value="some value of a correct type" to the field in app/views/submissions/_form.html.erb
      • adding new fields - well... you probably need to go through the whole flow including view, controller, model, specs, migrations...