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interactions.rb is a tool for automatizing the generation of scripts (currently only bash), and executing combinations of them. Each of those combinations are called interactions.

interactions.rb, although a general purpose tool, designed to generate any kind of text streams (or scripts) to be executed by any processor callable in ruby (although currently tested only in bash), was started for keeping up with the growing combinations of tools that can be installed and managed using the big data plugin of Bright Cluster Manager. We needed a tool where we could describe and execute complex test cases as self descriptive as:

  "multiple_bigdata_tools_test" : {
    "interactions": [
      "comment:clean up eventual test run before this",

      "comment:install hadoop instance, having 2.7.1 version number, removing it before if needed",

      "comment:install tools on that instance; the first has to be zookeeper or tools like hbase won't work",
      "set_hive_basic_ensemble","hive_metastore_setup", "apache-hive-1.2.1-bin.tar.gz","tool_install",

      "comment:sed the service files to simulate that they're written without the symlinky technique",

      "comment:test tools on that instance",
      "spark-1.5.1-bin-hadoop2.6.tgz", "spark_example_pi_1","spark_submit_job",

      "comment:update the tools on that instance to a newer version",

      "comment:test updated tools on that instance",
      "spark-1.6.0-bin-hadoop2.6.tgz", "spark_example_pi_1","spark_submit_job",

      "comment:simulate failure to upgrade the hadoop instance to 2.7.2",

      "comment:succeed to upgrade the hadoop instance to 2.7.2",

      "comment:update the tools on that instance to an older version",

      "comment:test updated tools on that instance",
      "spark-1.5.1-bin-hadoop2.6.tgz", "spark_example_pi_1","spark_submit_job",

      "comment:test Spark instance, test, update, test again",


    "comment": ""

and be able to run in parallel variations of those tests (e.g: we can remove the block that simulates failure of a Hadoop upgrade, or make it fail again) in our multi cluster infrastructure.

Any heavy user of scripting can start creating today their interactions, and soon benefit from the time automation can save you.


  • ruby (at least 1.9.3, tested mostly in 2.3.1)
  • these gems are required:
gem install xml-simple hashdiff


Best start with examples -- the interactions date or df simply execute the bash commands, without setting anything special:

ruby  interactions.rb -i date,df,date -d live,warning
# Tue Mar  7 13:12:57 CET 2017
# Filesystem     1K-blocks     Used Available Use% Mounted on
# /dev/sda1      134537480 99553588  28126728  78% /
# udev               10240        0     10240   0% /dev
# tmpfs            1614236   159580   1454656  10% /run
# Tue Mar  7 13:12:57 CET 2017

If you open the file interactions.json you see that they're defined just by a literal:

  "df": {
    "command": [
      { "literal"      : "df " }
  "date": {
    "command": [
      { "literal"      : "date " }
  "pwd": {
    "command": [
      { "literal"      : "pwd " }

But they give an idea of what interactions are about.

A simple interactions execution that does something more concrete is:

ruby  interactions.rb -i hadoop271_nohb_nozk_instance,hadoop_instance_install -d live,warning

That execution is comprised of 2 interactions: hadoop271_nohb_nozk_instance and hadoop_instance_install. The first one is defined in terms of what a user has to decide or get to install a Hadoop instance: a xml file layouting the cluster, the Hadoop tarball, and the name they want to give the instance (in the next section we show how to define that interaction, here only what it does). hadoop_instance_install installs the hadoop instance assuming some things are defined (e.g, those defined by hadoop271_nohb_nozk_instance).

After calculating the dependencies and execution tree, interactions.rb generates and executes the below script to achieve the defined effect:

wget -nv -c "" --output-document="hadoop-2.7.1.tar.gz"
wget -nv -c "" --output-document="hadoop-2.7.1-no_hbase_no_zk.xml"
  while [ "$( cmsh -c "device list" | egrep "Node.*\[ *(DOWN|INSTALLING|INSTALLER_CALLINGINIT) *\]" | egrep -v "((Unassigned))" | wc -l)" != "0" ] ; do echo Node status ; cmsh -c "device list" | egrep "Node.*\[ *(DOWN|INSTALLING|INSTALLER_CALLINGINIT) *\]" ;  sleep 5s ; done  
  """"cm-hadoop-setup -c "hadoop-2.7.1-no_hbase_no_zk.xml"

Adding the interaction prefix=/root/ before hadoop_instance_install:

ruby  interactions.rb -i hadoop271_nohb_nozk_instance,prefix=/root/,hadoop_instance_install -d live,warning

will change the path to search the executables for that interaction:

wget -nv -c "" --output-document="hadoop-2.7.1.tar.gz"
wget -nv -c "" --output-document="hadoop-2.7.1-no_hbase_no_zk.xml"
  while [ "$( cmsh -c "device list" | egrep "Node.*\[ *(DOWN|INSTALLING|INSTALLER_CALLINGINIT) *\]" | egrep -v "((Unassigned))" | wc -l)" != "0" ] ; do echo Node status ; cmsh -c "device list" | egrep "Node.*\[ *(DOWN|INSTALLING|INSTALLER_CALLINGINIT) *\]" ;  sleep 5s ; done  
"/root/"""cm-hadoop-setup -c "hadoop-2.7.1-no_hbase_no_zk.xml"

because hadoop_instance_install is somehow defined to react to the definition of a property which prefix=/root/ defines (setup_script_path_prefix, in this case) . Other interactions, like pwd or date -- just literals, are not defined to react on the same property -- they are kind of "naive" interactions.

This way onwards, it is possible to, departing from a very naive interaction (ie, basically hardcoded script) to grow and build more trustworthy interactions (that will react on things previously defined). The hadoop271_nohb_nozk_instance, when first coded, didn't, a priori downloaded the needed files. It would require a file_download interaction to be called after its definition. But, since they're are required dependencies, the interactions were improved to make it try to download that file (if the file exists, it won't override it). At some point, it was introduced a interaction that blocks the terminal while the nodes aren't UP. Before, if a node was rebooting, the hadoop_instance_install would certainly not produce its defined effect -- to install a hadoop instance.

Defining Interactions

Let's have a look at the definition of the interaction hadoop271_nohb_nozk_instance:

  "hadoop271_nohb_nozk_instance" : {
    "instance_name"               : "hadoop271_nohb_nozk",
    "interactions"                : ["hadoop-2.7.1.tar.gz", "hadoop-2.7.1-no_hbase_no_zk.xml", "hadoop_bigdata_instance"],
    "comment"                     : ""

That means that, running hadoop271_nohb_nozk_instance is equivalent of running the sequence hadoop-2.7.1.tar.gz,hadoop-2.7.1-no_hbase_no_zk.xml,hadoop_bigdata_instance with the property instance_name set to "hadoop271_nohb_nozk".

Running hadoop-2.7.1.tar.gz is equivalent of running file_download and hadoop-2.7.1, with some more properties set:

  "hadoop-2.7.1.tar.gz": {
    "tool_tarball"                : "hadoop-2.7.1.tar.gz",
    "tool_release"                : "2.7.1",
    "download_url"                : "",
    "filename"                    : "hadoop-2.7.1.tar.gz", 
    "interactions" : ["file_download", "hadoop-2.7.1"],
    "comment"                     : ""

Running file_download is equivalent of running a command that reacts on the download_url and filename properties being set:

  "file_download": {
    "command": [
      { "literal"      : "wget -nv -c " },
      { "replaceQuoted": "download_url" },
      { "literal"      : " --output-document=" },
      { "replaceQuoted": "filename" }

In the end, after all the tree is computed, running hadoop271_nohb_nozk_instance will, indeed, run this sequence of interactions:


All the interactions in that sequence just sets properties; only file_download actually has a command to run. Therefore, the resulting script is:

wget -nv -c "" --output-document="hadoop-2.7.1.tar.gz"
wget -nv -c "" --output-document="hadoop-2.7.1-no_hbase_no_zk.xml"

Note that file_download is run twice. The second time, it will download the url set by the interaction hadoop-2.7.1-no_hbase_no_zk.xml:

  "hadoop-2.7.1-no_hbase_no_zk.xml" : {
    "download_url"      : "",
    "filename"          : "hadoop-2.7.1-no_hbase_no_zk.xml",
    "interactions"      : ["file_download"],
    "comment"                     : ""

After the tree is computed, running hadoop_instance_install will run this sequence of interactions:


Only while_command and instance_install_when_nodes_up have commands to run; the others just set properties. Then, the resulting script is:

  while [ "$( cmsh -c "device list" | egrep "Node.*\[ *(DOWN|INSTALLING|INSTALLER_CALLINGINIT) *\]" | egrep -v "((Unassigned))" | wc -l)" != "0" ] ; do echo Node status ; cmsh -c "device list" | egrep "Node.*\[ *(DOWN|INSTALLING|INSTALLER_CALLINGINIT) *\]" ;  sleep 5s ; done  

""""cm-hadoop-setup -c ""

Note that cm-hadoop-setup doesn't know which xml file to use as parameter, because instance_install_when_nodes_up reacts on the property filename, that was not set before (undefined property is always replaced by an empty string).

After the tree is computed, running hadoop271_nohb_nozk_instance,hadoop_instance_install will run this sequence of interactions:


which is exactly the sum of each of sequences run by the interactions hadoop271_nohb_nozk_instance and hadoop_instance_install. The generated scripts are the same:

wget -nv -c "" --output-document="hadoop-2.7.1.tar.gz"
wget -nv -c "" --output-document="hadoop-2.7.1-no_hbase_no_zk.xml"
  while [ "$( cmsh -c "device list" | egrep "Node.*\[ *(DOWN|INSTALLING|INSTALLER_CALLINGINIT) *\]" | egrep -v "((Unassigned))" | wc -l)" != "0" ] ; do echo Node status ; cmsh -c "device list" | egrep "Node.*\[ *(DOWN|INSTALLING|INSTALLER_CALLINGINIT) *\]" ;  sleep 5s ; done  

""""cm-hadoop-setup -c "hadoop-2.7.1-no_hbase_no_zk.xml"

But, this time cm-hadoop-setup knows which use as parameter, because the filename property was set by hadoop-2.7.1.tar.gz and later overridden by hadoop-2.7.1-no_hbase_no_zk.xml.

Composite Pattern and how we use them for Regression Tests:

As saw in the previous section, an interaction can be defined in terms of other interactions, following the composite design pattern, and that allow sequences of interactions to be easily added, making life easier for growing the complexity of tests. E.g, have a look on the interaction multiple_bigdata_tools_test, composed of 44 other interactions:

  "multiple_bigdata_tools_test" : {
    "interactions": [
      "comment:clean up eventual test run before this",

      "comment:install hadoop instance, having 2.7.1 version number, removing it before if needed",

      "comment:install tools on that instance; the first has to be zookeeper or tools like hbase won't work",
      "set_hive_basic_ensemble","hive_metastore_setup", "apache-hive-1.2.1-bin.tar.gz","tool_install",

      "comment:sed the service files to simulate that they're written without the symlinky technique",

      "comment:test tools on that instance",
      "spark-1.5.1-bin-hadoop2.6.tgz", "spark_example_pi_1","spark_submit_job",

      "comment:update the tools on that instance to a newer version",

      "comment:test updated tools on that instance",
      "spark-1.6.0-bin-hadoop2.6.tgz", "spark_example_pi_1","spark_submit_job",

      "comment:simulate failure to upgrade the hadoop instance to 2.7.2",

      "comment:succeed to upgrade the hadoop instance to 2.7.2",

      "comment:update the tools on that instance to an older version",

      "comment:test updated tools on that instance",
      "spark-1.5.1-bin-hadoop2.6.tgz", "spark_example_pi_1","spark_submit_job",

      "comment:test Spark instance, test, update, test again",


    "comment": ""

As of today, that 44-interaction sequences will spawn a sequence of 2994 interactions. multiple_bigdata_tools_test basically installs specific versions of certain tools that work together with Spark or Hadoop. Repeating tests with a slightly different case is just matter of adding some new interactions (in general to download a new version of a tar.gz, eg) and deriving that test. Or, we can call that interaction twice, to test if it still succeeds.

In the end, once defined, the interactions are easily combined to form different test cases. Very commonly we freeze an interaction derived from multiple_bigdata_tools_test and link its name to a JIRA issue. This way, if anytime later we want to test if the test that validated a solution of an issue still works, we just need to run that frozen interaction.


Tool for automatizing the generation of scripts







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