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Time-based bidding auctions for NFT's (non-fungible tokens).



  • Platform - a specific ERC-721 contract address
  • Token - the corresponding token id related to the contract address
  • NFT - a non-fungible token, with both a platform and token, created outside of Bidify
  • Listing - an auction wrapper, for an NFT, created with Bidify
  • Id - the id of a Bidify Listing
  • Owned - a specific accounts Listings, created with Bidify
  • Owned NFTs - a specific accounts NFTs that have not yet been listed with Bidify
  • Balance - a specific accounts ETHER wallet balance (i.e. 502.000 ETH)
  • Account User - a user that has an active connected wallet to Bidify
  • Non-Account User - a user that does not have an active connected wallet to Bidify


  • connect - when a user connects their wallet to Bidify
  • disconnect - when a user disconnects their wallet from Bidify
  • list - when a user creates a Listing from their Owned NFTs
  • bid - when a user places a bid on another users Listing
  • finish - when a user ...

Build Setup

Bidify uses Nuxt.js as the underlying framework for app architecture.

# install nuxt cli (or globally if you prefer with -g)
$ npm i @nuxt/cli

# install dependencies
$ yarn

# serve with hot reload at localhost:3000
$ npm run dev

# serve with hot reload at [your ip] (helpful for mobile testing)
$ npm run dev:host

# build for production and launch server
$ npm run build
$ npm run start

# generate static project
$ npm run generate

For a detailed explanation on how things work, check out Nuxt.js docs.

Build Setup

Using digital ocean:

  • Create new app
  • Connect to repo / branch of choice
  • Ensure under Settings > App Spec that run_command is set as follows:
run_command: npm start -- --hostname --port 8080
  • Here is a full example with "Crypto-SI/BidifyUI" as the targeted repo, and "Amsterdam" (ams) as the region:
name: bidify
region: ams
- build_command: npm run build
  environment_slug: node-js
    branch: main
    deploy_on_push: true
    repo: Crypto-SI/BidifyUI
  http_port: 8080
  instance_count: 1
  instance_size_slug: basic-xs
  name: bidify
  - path: /
  run_command: npm start -- --hostname --port 8080



@/plugins/wallets // manages web3 providers and wallets
@/plugins/bidify // manages Bidify calls
@/plugins/opensea // manages OpenSea calls
@/plugins/listings // manages calls and states

Not active:



@nuxtjs/axios // http requests
@nuxtjs/pwa // progressive web app cool stuff
@nuxt/content // headless server for json, markdown, etc
nuxt-webfontloader // typekit fonts
nuxt-vuex-localstorage // optimistic data storage (encrypted)

Build Modules


Bidify UI

How users connect and interface with Bidify auctions.


  • After a user lists an auction on Bidify, the countdown timer begins.
  • A user can bid from a <Card/> component or from a <Listing/> view (see below).
  • Bidding occurs from a modal or panel and does not require a user to leave their current view.

Time Display

  • If time left is more than 1 day => 1d 12h 3m
  • < 1 day => 12h 3m 32s
  • < 1 hour => 24m 50s
  • < 1 minute => 22s left
  • timer up => Ended

NOTE: If the timer is less than 3 minutes and a user attempts to bid, a warning is displayed to let the user know that their bid might not complete.


Bidify uses a combination of Server-Side rendering, push state, and optimistic caching to ensure the app loads as quickly as possible, and with the latest data, every time.

Tactical Nuxt

  • Leverages Nuxt SSR to render HTML and any available data from the server (on first load)
  • Leverages Nuxt $route to load subsequent views from the client
  • Leverages Nuxt $stores to show optimistic data, even between page refreshes


  1. User views Listing page
  2. Requests are made to assemble data
  3. Data is cached in local storage for 30 minutes
  4. View displays cache
  5. User leaves page and returns (or refreshes)
  6. View displays cache and makes request in background
  7. Back to #3


  1. Cache will display for up to 30 minutes if either Bidify or OpenSea fails
  2. If only OpenSea fails, app will still display data in all views, but with limited information


Bidify's views are controlled entirely by states, both browser and local storage, so it's easy to trigger UI changes from anywhere in the app.

App Store

Controls whether or not the app is ready to be displayed

$store.commit('app/open') // opens the app to display UI
$store.commit('app/close') // closes the app and displays no UI

Bidify Store

Controls UI related to listing and bidding

$store.commit('bidify/listModal', { ... }) // show listing modal
$store.commit('bidify/listModal', false) // hide listing modal

$store.commit('bidify/approving', true/false) // show steps for approving listing
$store.commit('bidify/listing', true/false) // show steps for listing call

Wallet Store

Controls UI related to connecting to and displaying wallet information

$store.commit('wallets/balance', { balance, type }) // set a wallet balance
$store.commit('wallets/connected', { account }) // show user as connected in app
$store.commit('wallets/disconnect') // show user as disconnected in app
$store.commit('wallets/hasMetaMask', true/false) // display metamask UI
$store.commit('wallets/error', error) // display error modal
$store.commit('wallets/chain', error) // display message on network change (not active)
$store.commit('wallets/chainError', error) // display message on network error (not active)

LocalStorage Store

$store.commit('localStorage/listing', list) // populate Listings
$store.commit('localStorage/owned', list) // populate Owned Listings
$store.commit('localStorage/nfts', list) // populate Owned NFTs
$store.commit('localStorage/active', listing) // populate the current Listing view

Data Mutations


Merges top-level Bidify 'listings' and OpenSea 'assets', along with some minor transformations. When committed to store, the listing will look similar to this:

platform: String, // "0x910Ec0d2eA92f5B6dd39DAB45Ba5891faE8bFB21"
token: String, // "56"
allowMarketplace: Boolean, // BIDIFY
bids: Array, // BIDIFY
creator: Object, // OPENSEA + BIDIFY
currency: null,
currentBid: null, // BIDIFY
endTime: "1619972542", // BIDIFY
highBidder: null, // BIDIFY
id: String, // BIDIFY (ID)
label: "NFT Name Here",  // OPENSEA (NAME)
marketplace: null,
nextBid:"0.1", // BIDIFY
paidOut: false, // BIDIFY
referrer: null, // BIDIFY

animation_original_url: null
description: String
image_url: "https://lh3.googleusercontent.c..."
name:"I Am Your Ice Ant"
token_id: "24"

Vue Directory



Wraps all other views. Ensures Bidify is initiated before any views are displayed.



<Home/> Shows Bidify Listings for both connected and non-connected users

route => '/'

<Owned/> Shows Bidify Owned Listings

route => '/owned'

<Create/> Shows Bidify Owned NFT's and allows listing

route => '/create'

<Listing/> Shows a specific Bidify listing and allows bidding

route => '/listing/{id}/{platform}/{token}'

$route.params = { id, platform, token }

<Connect/> Allows user to connect to their wallet of choice. Once user is connected, redirects to Home.

Note: May be deprecated.

route => '/connect'


<CheckConnection/> Placed into DefaultLayout, automatically checks a users web3 connection on page load.


    <CheckConnection />

<Nav/> Optional on each page, automatically displays correct UI if user is connected or disconnected from app.


<Nav />

<DropNav/> Simplified Nav used only for Listings view.


<DropNav :drop="listing" />

<Listings/> Displays mobile-friendly grids of Cards. Type is required to display either Listing cards of NFT cards. Will also display loading UI and empty state message if no results.


<Listings :list="list" type="listing" />

<Listings :list="nfts" type="nft" />

<Card/> Displays a Listing and associated actions


<Card :item="item" />

<NFTCard/> Displays an NFT and associated actions. Click/tap will result in <DialogList/> displayed.


<NFTCard :item="item" />

<DialogList/> Dialog modal for listing an NFT.


<DialogList />

<DialogBid/> Dialog modal for bidding on a Listing.


<DialogBid />