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This project aims to provide a single source of truth for performing AppDynamics Health Checks.


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This project aims to provide a single source of truth for performing AppDynamics Instrumentation Health Checks. These health checks provide metrics on how well your applications are instrumented based on some of the field best practices.



Ensure the DefaultJob.json file correctly reflects the controller credentials you are running the tool for. The file format is outlined below with some default placeholder values. Change according to your setup. You may also create your own custom named job file.

  "host": "",
  "port": 443, 
  "account": "acme",  
  "username": "foo", 
  "pwd": "hunter1", 
  "authType": "<basic|token|secret>",  # see Note **
  "verifySsl": true,
  "useProxy": true,
  "applicationFilter": {
    "apm": ".*",
    "mrum": ".*",
    "brum": ".*"
  "timeRangeMins": 1440

Note ** The tool supports both basic UI authentication or API Client authentication (oAuth tokens) using either client secrets or temporary access tokens. The authType field is used to specify the authentication method. See Administration -> API Clients in controller UI for setup.


  • "basic" use controller web UI username for "username" and controller web UI password for "pwd". This method will be deprecated in a future release.
  • "token" use API Clients -> Client Name for "username", and API Clients -> Temporary Access Token for "pwd" field. This authentication method is preferred.
  • "secret" use API Clients -> Client Name for "username", and API Clients -> Client Secret for "pwd" fields.

If using API Client authentication, ensure the Default/Temporary Token expiration times are sufficient to complete the run

How to run

There are four options to run the tool:

  1. UI Method
    • Run jobs from a convenient web based UI
    • Easier way to configure jobs but requires Python and Docker installation
  2. Platform executable. (Preferred method for most users running Windows and Linux)
    • A self contained OS specific bundle if you are not using Docker and Python. Bundles available for Linux and Windows
    • Recommended for users that do not wish to install Python and Docker and/or can not access external repositories
  3. Directly via Docker
    • The backend container can be run manually from the command line
    • Recommended for users with Docker who do not want to use the UI
  4. From Source
    • Manually install dependencies and run the script directly
    • Recommended for users who want to build the tool from source

Important step for running on Windows (Ignore this step if using method 2 or 4 above)

Docker on Windows requires manually sharing the /input, /output, and /logs directories with the container. If you do not follow this step, you will get the following error when trying to run the container: DockerException Filesharing has been cancelled. Take a look at the documentation here for more information.

Expected Permissions

The tool expects ONLY the following permissions to be given:

  • Account Owner (Default)
  • Administrator (Default)
  • Analytics Administrator (Default)

1) UI method

This method will automatically create local Docker images if not already in the local registry and runs them using the newly built images:

  1. Download or clone the latest Source from here
  2. cd config-assessment-tool
  3. python3 bin/ --run
  4. Your browser will automatically open http://localhost:8501


Add new Jobs or Thresholds to config_assessment_tool/resources/jobs and config_assessment_tool/resources/thresholds respectively.

Refresh the page to see the Jobs and Thresholds appear.

2) Platform executable

Use this method if you are not able to use Docker or Python in your target deployment environment. Currently, platform bundles are available for x86 Windows and Linux only. Currently arm architectures are not supported.

  1. Download and unzip (or untar in case of linux) the latest config-assessment-tool-<OS>-<version>.<zip|tgz> from here where OS is one of windows/linux depending on your target host and version is the config tool release version
  2. cd into the expanded directory and edit input/jobs/DefaultJobs.json to match your target controller. You may also create a job file of your own. e.g. input/jobs/<job-file-name>.json
  3. Run the executable for your target platform located at the root of expanded directory:
  4. For Linux: using a command line shell/terminal run ./config-assessment-tool if using DefaultJob.json or ./config-assessment-tool -j <job-file-name> if you created your own job file
  5. For Windows: using a CMD or PowerShell terminal run .\config-assessment-tool.exe if using DefaultJob.json or ./config-assessment-tool.exe -j <job-file-name> if you created your own job file

This method of running the tool currently does not support using the UI. You may only use command line instructions as outlined above. You can change the settings by editing the included configuration files directly. You may ignore any other files/libraries in the bundle. The configuration files and their directory locations for you to edit are listed below.

In some installations, specially on-prem controllers, certificate verification failed errors may occur when the tool attempts to connect to the controller URL. This might be due to certificate issues. Set the value of sslVerify option to false in the input/jobs/*.json file as the first attempt to resolve this error.

├── config-assessment-tool          # executable file to run. For Windows this will be config-assessment-tool.exe
├── input
│   ├── jobs
│   │   └── DefaultJob.json         # default job used if no job file flag used with your own custom job file(-j). Your Controller(s) connection settings.
│   └── thresholds
│       └── DefaultThresholds.json  # default threshold file used if no custom threshhold file flag(-t) is used with your own custom file 
│   ├── ....
│   │
└── ...
    └── ...

To see a list of options you may use the --help when running the executable command. Available options are listed below.

Usage: config-assessment-tool [OPTIONS]

Where below OPTIONS are available:

  -j, --job-file TEXT
  -t, --thresholds-file TEXT
  -d, --debug
  -c, --concurrent-connections INTEGER
  -u, --username TEXT             Adds the option to put username dynamically
  -p, --password TEXT             Adds the option to put password dynamically
  --car                           Generate the configration analysis report as part of the output
  --help                          Show this help message and exit.

3) Directly via Docker

You can start the backend container with the following command:

docker run \
--name "config-assessment-tool-backend" \
-v "$(pwd)/logs":/logs \
-v "$(pwd)/output":/output \
-v "$(pwd)/input":/input \
-e HOST_ROOT="$(pwd)" \
-p 8501:8501 \
--rm \{platform}:{tag} -j DefaultJob -t DefaultThresholds


docker run `
--name "config-assessment-tool-backend" `
-v $pwd/logs:/logs `
-v $pwd/output:/output `
-v $pwd/input:/input `
-e HOST_ROOT=$pwd `
-p 8501:8501 `
--rm `{platform}:{tag} -j DefaultJob -t DefaultThresholds

4) From Source

Steps to run


  1. git clone
  2. cd config-assessment-tool
  3. pipenv install
  4. pipenv shell
  5. python3 backend/ -j DefaultJob -t DefaultThresholds

To see a list of options you may use the --help flag when running the backend command. Available options are listed below.

Usage: [OPTIONS]

Where below OPTIONS are available:

  -j, --job-file TEXT
  -t, --thresholds-file TEXT
  -d, --debug
  -c, --concurrent-connections INTEGER
  -u, --username TEXT             Adds the option to put username dynamically
  -p, --password TEXT             Adds the option to put password dynamically
  --car                           Generate the configration analysis report as part of the output
  --help                          Show this help message and exit

Options --job-file and --thresholds-file will default to DefaultJob and DefaultThresholds respectively.

All Job and Threshold files must be contained in config_assessment_tool/resources/jobs and config_assessment_tool/resources/thresholds respectively. They are to be referenced by name file name ( excluding .json), not full path.

The frontend can be invoked by navigating to config_assessment_tool/frontend and invoking streamlit run


This program will create the following files in the out directory.

  • {jobName}-MaturityAssessment-apm.xlsx
    • MaturityAssessment report for APM
  • {jobName}-MaturityAssessment-brum.xlsx
    • MaturityAssessment report for BRUM
  • {jobName}-MaturityAssessment-mrum.xlsx
    • MaturityAssessment report for MRUM
  • {jobName}-AgentMatrix.xlsx
    • Details agent versions rolled up by application
    • Lists the details of individual without any rollup
  • {jobName}-CustomMetrics.xlsx
    • Lists which applications are leveraging Custom Extensions
  • {jobName}-License.xlsx
    • Export of the License Usage page in the Controller
  • {jobName}-MaturityAssessmentRaw-apm.xlsx
    • Raw metrics which go into MaturityAssessment for APM report
  • {jobName}-MaturityAssessmentRaw-brum.xlsx
    • Raw metrics which go into MaturityAssessment for BRUM report
  • {jobName}-MaturityAssessmentRaw-mrum.xlsx
    • Raw metrics which go into MaturityAssessment for MRUM report
  • `{jobName}-HybridApplicationMonitoringUseCaseMaturityAssessment-presentation.pptx
    • Primarily used by customers that have purchased the Hybrid App Monitoring(HAM) SKU's
  • {jobName}-ConfigurationAnalysisReport.xlsx
    • Configuration Analysis Report used primarily by AppD Services team, generated separately
  • controllerData.json
    • Contains all raw data used in analysis.
  • info.json
    • Contains information on previous job execution.

Program Architecture

General Description

The Configuration Assessment Tool, also known as config-assessment-tool on GitHub, is an open-source project developed by AppDynamics engineers. Its purpose is to evaluate the configuration and quality of instrumentation in applications that are monitored by the AppDynamics Application Performance Monitoring (APM) product suite. The intended audience for this tool is AppDynamics/Cisco customers and AppD/Cisco personnel who assist customers in improving the quality of instrumentation of their applications. The tool is Python-based (3.9) and therefore requires a Python installation unless using the self-contained platform specific executable bundles(Linux,Windows).

Users can run the tool directly from the source or use the docker container (locally built only and not pulled from any repo), or the executable bundle (Windows and Linux bundles) that contain shared libraries or executable files for Python. If users wish to run the code using Docker, they must build the local image on their platform (using the provided Dockerfile) as we do not currently publish platform specific Docker images of the tool into any repositories. Therefore, a Docker engine install is also required for container-based install/build and execution.

If users do not wish to install Python and Docker and are looking for a self-contained executable bundle, we recommend using the latest version of the linux tar ball or the Windows zip file available on the release page and follow instructions for Platform executable installation steps.

There are Python packages and library dependencies that are required and pulled from the PyPi package repository when config-assessment-tool is installed. These can be examined by following the build from source instructions and examining the downloaded packages into your local Python environment.

When config-assessment-tool starts, it reads the job file with the customer-provided properties and connects to the AppDynamics controller URL defined in that job file. The controller(s) can be AppDynamics hosted Saas controllers or customer's on-premises installations. The tool also uses the credentials in the job file to authenticate to the controller. Using the generated temporary session token, it uses the AppDynamics Controller REST API to pull various metrics and generate the "output" directory. This directory contains these metrics in the form of various Excel Worksheet files, along with some other supplemental data files. These are the artifacts used by customers to examine and provide various metrics around how well each of the applications being monitored on the respective controller is performing.

There is no other communication from the tool to any other external services. We solely utilize the AppDynamics Controller REST API. See the online API documentation for the superset reference for more information.

Consult the links below for the aforementioned references:





Proxy Support

Support for plain HTTP proxies and HTTP proxies that can be upgraded to HTTPS via the HTTP CONNECT method is provided by enabling the useProxy flag in a given job file. Enabling this flag will cause the backend to use the proxy specified from environment variables: HTTP_PROXY, HTTPS_PROXY, WS_PROXY or WSS_PROXY (all are case insensitive). Proxy credentials are given from ~/.netrc file if present. See aiohttp.ClientSession documentation for more details.

For example: Use HTTPS_PROXY environment variable if your controller is accessible using https. Use HTTP_PROXY environment variable if your controller is accessible using http. If using a port other than 80, ensure you provide the port number in the URL.

JobFile Settings

DefaultJob.json defines a number of optional configurations.

  • verifySsl
    • enabled by default, disable it to disable SSL cert checking (equivalent to curl -k)
  • useProxy
    • As defined above under Proxy Support, enable this to use a configured proxy
  • applicationFilter
    • Three filters are available, one for apm, mrum, and brum
    • The filter value accepts any valid regex, set to .* by default
    • Set the value to null to filter out all applications for the set type
  • timeRangeMins
    • Configure the data pull time range, by default set to 1 day (1440 mins)
  • pwd
    • Your password will be automatically encrypted to base64 when it is persisted to disk
    • If your password is not entered as base64, it will be automatically converted


  • Python 3.9 if running from source method. In addition, Docker engine is required if running using either th UI or Docker methods
  • No Python/Docker needed if using Platform executable bundles. Linux and Windows(10/11/Server), x86 architectures are supported only. No ARM architecture support currenlty provided.


  • Data Collectors
    • The API to directly find snapshots containing data collectors of type Session Key or HTTP Header does not work.
    • The API does however work for Business Data (POJO match rule), HTTP Parameter, and Cookie types.
    • As far as I can tell this is a product limitation, the transaction snapshot filtering UI does not even have an option for Session Key or HTTP Header.
    • The only way to check for Session Key or HTTP Header data collector existence within snapshots would be to inspect ALL snapshots (prohibitively time intensive).
    • As a workaround, we will assume any Session Key or HTTP Header data collectors are present in snapshots.


For general feature requests or questions/feedback please create an issue in this Github repository. Ensure that no proprietary information is included in the issue or attachments as this is an open source project with public visibility.

If you are having difficulty running the tool email Alex Afshar at [email protected] and attach any relevant information including debug logs.

Debug logs can be taken by either:

  • checking the debug checkbox in the UI
  • running the backend with the --debug or -d flag


This project aims to provide a single source of truth for performing AppDynamics Health Checks.





