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134 lines (98 loc) · 4.18 KB


File metadata and controls

134 lines (98 loc) · 4.18 KB


Build Status

Part of the course "Web Services", this is an OpenWhisk action that fetches the current fuel price from Tankerkönig.

IBM Cloud Functions (OpenWhisk)

This part is based on openwhisk_docker_samples.

Install CLI

# Install bx, see

# Linux
curl -fsSL | sh

# macOS
brew install jthomas/tools/wsk

# Install wsk plugin
bx plugin install Cloud-Functions -r Bluemix
alias wsk='bx wsk'


# Login with SSO
bx login -a -o "XMLSOA" -s "webservices" --sso

# Login with API key
bx login --apikey ********
bx target -r eu-de -o "XMLSOA" -s "webservices"

Setup InfluxDB database and -user

influx \
  -host ${influxdb_host?"Missing variable"} \
  -ssl \
  -port ${influxdb_port?"Missing variable"} \
  -username ${influxdb_admin_user?"Missing variable"} \
  -password ${influxdb_admin_password?"Missing variable"} \
  -execute "$(cat <<END_HEREDOC
    CREATE DATABASE ${spritwatch_database?"Missing variable"};
    CREATE USER ${spritwatch_user?"Missing variable"} WITH PASSWORD '${spritwatch_password?"Missing variable"}';
    GRANT ALL ON ${spritwatch_database?"Missing variable"} TO ${spritwatch_user?"Missing variable"};

Build and Publish

docker login -u suhlig
export IMAGE_NAME=suhlig/spritwatch
docker build -t "$IMAGE_NAME" . && docker push "$IMAGE_NAME"

# first time setup: use update as below, and replace 'update' with 'create'

# Update the action
wsk action update spritwatch \
  --docker "$IMAGE_NAME" \
  -p influxdb_host "$influxdb_host" \
  -p influxdb_port "$influxdb_port" \
  -p spritwatch_database "$spritwatch_database" \
  -p spritwatch_user "$spritwatch_user" \
  -p spritwatch_password "$spritwatch_password"

# invoke
wsk action invoke spritwatch -r -p ids 95d000e0-48a3-41e1-907f-e32dc9d58525,51d4b53f-a095-1aa0-e100-80009459e03a


  1. Start the HTTP server that implements the OpenWhisk action:

    rerun bundle exec rackup
  2. Invoke the action via HTTP:

    jq -n '{
     "value": {
       "ids": "870efffb-676b-4301-854e-c80e93c3e3ef,51d4b425-a095-1aa0-e100-80009459e03a,51d4b49c-a095-1aa0-e100-80009459e03a",
       "influxdb_host": env.influxdb_host,
       "influxdb_port": env.influxdb_port,
       "spritwatch_database": env.spritwatch_database,
       "spritwatch_user": env.spritwatch_user,
       "spritwatch_password": env.spritwatch_password
    }' | curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d @- localhost:8080/run

    This assumes that the environment variables referenced with env. are available when jq is invoked.


Turn it into a feed

While it would be ideal to get a callback whenever a price changes at Tankerkönig, it is not very likely to happen.

The next best option is an OpenWhisk feed (as a cf app?) that polls Tankerkönig and emits events whenever a price at one of the preferred stations changes.

Calling the OpenWhisk API from Rake

response = %x(bx wsk property get --auth)
auth = response.match(%r(whisk auth\s+(\S+)))[1]

response = %x(bx wsk property get --apihost)
api_host = response.match(%r(whisk API host\s+(\S+)))[1]

# WIP Listing actions within a namespace
# curl -u $AUTH https://$API_HOST/api/v1/namespaces/XMLSOA_webservices/actions | jq -r .[].name
if wsk.actions(namespace: 'XMLSOA_webservices').include?('spritwatch')
  # update action
  # create action

Dynamic Ruby Actions

a.k.a. make Ruby a first-class citizen on OpenWhisk

When creating or updating an action, the file specified as parameter is passed on to the server's init handler as payload. We could write this into a file (local to the container) and evaluate it at run time. See this article for details.