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Lua Module

Module memory provides generic functions for manipulation of writable memory areas. A memory can have a fixed size or be resizable. When indexing a memory, the first byte is at position 1 (not at 0, as in C). Indices are allowed to be negative and are interpreted as indexing backwards, from the end of the memory. Thus, the last byte is at position -1, and so on.

Unless stated otherwise, arguments i and j in the functions below are indices of memory or string m, and are corrected following the same rules of these arguments in function string.sub. Moreover, when these arguments are optional, the default value for i is 1, and the default value for j is -1 (which is the same as the length of m).

This library provides all its functions inside the table memory. It also sets a metatable for the memory where the __index field points to the memory table. Therefore, you can use the library functions in object-oriented style. For instance, memory.get(m,i) can be written as m:get(i), where m is a memory. Other metamethods provided for the memory are:

  • __concat: v1..v2 produces a string with the concatenation of the contents of v1 and v2 if they are memory or string, or calls metamethod __concat of the other value if available. Otherwise raises an error.
  • __len: #m is equivalent to memory.len(m).
  • __tostring: tostring(m) is equivalent to memory.tostring(m).

Finally, a resizable memory can be assigned to to-be-closed variables. When closed, it becomes an empty external memory (memory.type(m) == "other") with all its contents discarded, and it cannot be resized nor changed anymore.

memory.create ([m [, i [, j]]])

Returns a new memory.

If m is a number, creates a new fixed-size memory of m bytes with value zero.

If m is a string or a memory, creates a new fixed-size memory with the same size and contents of the portion of m from position i until position j.

If m is not provided, a resizable memory of zero bytes (empty) is created.

memory.type (m)

Returns "fixed" if m is a fixed-size memory, or "resizable" if it is a resizable memory, or "other" if it is an external memory created using the C API. Otherwise it returns nil.

memory.len (m)

Returns the size of memory m.

memory.resize (m, l [, s])

Changes resizable memory m to contain l bytes.

All the initial bytes that fit in the new size are preserved. Any extra bytes are set with the contents of string or memory s when it is provided (the contents from s are copied repeatedly until they fill all the extra bytes). Otherwise, the extra bytes are set to zero.

memory.diff (m1, m2)

Returns the index of the first byte which values differ in m1 and m2, or nil if both contain the same bytes.

It also returns the result of m1 < m2 as if they were strings.

m1 and m2 can be memory or string.

memory.tostring (m [, i [, j]])

Returns a string with the contents of memory or string m from i until j.

memory.get (m, i [, j])

Returns the values of bytes in memory m from i until j. The default value for j is i.

If the range from i until j is empty, no values are returned.

memory.set (m, i, ...)

Sets the values of bytes in memory m from position i with values indicated by numbers received as arguments .... If there are more arguments than bytes in the range from i to the end of memory m, the extra arguments are ignored.

memory.find (m, s [, i [, j [, o]]])

Searches in memory or string m from position i until j for the contents of the memory or string s from position o of s that fits in this range.

o can also be negative (to count backwards, from the end of s). The default value for o is 1. If, after the translation of negative indice, o is less than 1, it is corrected to 1.

If i is after j (empty range), or o refers to a position beyond the size of s (no contents), or the bytes from s are not found in m, then this function returns nil. Otherwise, it return the position of the first byte found in m.

memory.fill (m, s [, i [, j [, o]]])

Sets the values of all bytes in memory m from position i until j with the contents of the memory or string s from position o of s.

Indice o follows the same rules as in function memory.find.

If i is greater and j (empty range), or o refers to a position beyond the size of s (no contents), then this function has no effect. Otherwise, the specified contents from s (from o) are copied repeatedly until they fill all bytes in the specified range of m (from i to j).

If s is a number then all bytes in the specified range of m are set with the value of s. The value of o is ignored in this case.

memory.pack (m, fmt, i, v...)

Serializes in memory m, from position i, the values v... in binary form according to the format fmt (see the Lua manual). Returns a boolean indicating whether all values were packed in memory m, followed by the index of the first unwritten byte in m and all the values v... that were not packed.

memory.unpack (m, fmt [, i])

Returns the values encoded in position i of memory or string m, according to the format fmt, as in function memory.pack; The default value for i is 1. After the read values, this function also returns the index of the first unread byte in m.

C Library

This section describes the C API provided as a separate library (luamem) to create and manipulate memory areas from C. All API functions and related types and constants are declared in the header file luamem.h.

There are two distinct types of memory areas in the C API:

  • allocated: points to a constant block address with fixed size, which is automatically released when the memory is garbage collected (see luamem_newalloc).
  • referenced: points to a memory area with block address and size provided by the application, which can provide a unrefering function to be used to free the memory area when it is not pointed by the Lua memory object anymore (see luamem_newref).

Warning: unlike Lua strings, memory areas are not followed by a null byte ('\0').


char *luamem_newalloc (lua_State *L, size_t len);

Creates and pushes onto the stack a new allocated memory with the given size, and returns its block address.

Allocated memory areas uses metatable created with name given by constant LUAMEM_ALLOC (see luaL_newmetatable).


typedef void (*luamem_Unref) (lua_State *L, void *mem, size_t len);

Type for memory unrefering functions.

These functions are called whenever a referenced memory ceases to pointo to block address mem which have size of len bytes. (see luamem_resetref).


void luamem_newref (lua_State *L);

Creates and pushes onto the stack a new referenced memory pointing to NULL, with length zero, and no unrefering function (see luamem_resetref).

Referenced memory areas uses a metatable created with name given by constant LUAMEM_REF (see luaL_newmetatable).

Moreover, a referenced memory is closeable. Closing a memory at index idx is equivalent to luamem_setref(L, idx, NULL, 0, NULL).


int luamem_setref (lua_State *L, int idx, char *mem, size_t len, luamem_Unref unref);

Equivalent to luamem_resetref(L, idx, mem, len, unref, 1).


int luamem_resetref (lua_State *L, int idx, char *mem, size_t len, luamem_Unref unref, int cleanup);

Defines the block address (mem), size (len), and unrefering function (unref) of the referenced memory at index idx, and returns 1. If idx does not contain a referenced memory, it returns 0.

If unref is not NULL, it will be called when the memory ceases to point to this block address, either by being garbage collected or if it is updated to point to another block address (by a future call of luamem_setref for instance).

If mem points to the same block address currently pointed by referenced memory at index idx, or cleanup is zero, then the unrefering function previously registered is not invoked.


int luamem_type(lua_State *L, int idx);

Returns LUAMEM_TREF if the value at the given index is a referenced memory, or LUAMEM_TALLOC in case of an allocated memory, or LUAMEM_TNONE otherwise.


int luamem_ismemory (lua_State *L, int idx);

Returns 1 if the value at the given index is a memory (allocated or referenced), and 0 otherwise.


char *luamem_tomemory (lua_State *L, int idx, size_t *len);

Equivalent to luamem_tomemoryx(L, idx, len, NULL, NULL).


char *luamem_tomemoryx (lua_State *L, int idx, size_t *len, luamem_Unref *unref, int *type);

Return the block address of memory at the given index, or NULL if the value is not a memory.

If len is not NULL, it sets *len with the memory size. If unref is not NULL, it sets *unref with the unrefering function if the value is a referenced memory, or NULL otherwise. If type is not NULL, it sets *type with the result of luamem_type(L, idx).

Because Lua has garbage collection, there is no guarantee that the pointer returned by luamem_tomemory will be valid after the corresponding Lua value is removed from the stack.


char *luamem_checkmemory (lua_State *L, int arg, size_t *len);

Checks whether the function argument arg is a memory (allocated or referenced) and returns a pointer to its contents; if len is not NULL fills *len with the memory's length.


int luamem_isarray (lua_State *L, int idx);

Returns 1 if the value at the given index is a memory or string, and 0 otherwise.


const char *luamem_toarray (lua_State *L, int idx, size_t *len);

If the value at the given index is a memory it behaves like luamem_tomemory, but retuning a pointer to constant bytes. Otherwise, it is equivalent to lua_tolstring.


const char *luamem_asarray (lua_State *L, int idx, size_t *len);

If the value at the given index is a memory it behaves like luamem_tomemory, but retuning a pointer to constant bytes. Otherwise, it is equivalent to luaL_tolstring.


const char *luamem_checkarray (lua_State *L, int arg, size_t *len);

Checks whether the function argument arg is a memory or string and returns a pointer to its contents; if len is not NULL fills *len with the contents' length.

This function might use lua_tolstring to get its result, so all conversions and caveats of that function apply here.


size_t luamem_checklenarg (lua_State *L, int arg);

Checks whether the function argument arg is an integer (or can be converted to an integer) of a valid memory size and returns this integer cast to a size_t.


void *luamem_realloc (lua_State *L, void *mem, size_t old, size_t new);

Reallocates memory pointed by mem of size old with new size new using the allocation function registered by the Lua state (see lua_getallocf). Returns the reallocated memory.


void luamem_free (lua_State *L, void *mem, size_t sz);

Equivalent to luamem_realloc(L, mem, sz, 0).

Note: any referenced memory which uses this function as the unrefering function is considered a resizable memory by the memory module.


void luamem_addvalue (luaL_Buffer *B);

Similar to luaL_addvalue, but if the value on top of the stack is a memory, it adds its contents to the buffer without converting it to a Lua string.


void luamem_pushresult (luaL_Buffer *B);

Similar to luamem_pushresult, but leaves a memory with the buffer contents on the top of the stack instead of a string.


void luamem_pushresultsize (luaL_Buffer *B, size_t sz);

Equivalent to the sequence luaL_addsize, luamem_pushresult.


Lua functions C API C API
memory.create LUAMEM_ALLOC luamem_free
memory.diff LUAMEM_REF luamem_isarray
memory.fill LUAMEM_TALLOC luamem_ismemory
memory.find LUAMEM_TNONE luamem_newalloc
memory.get LUAMEM_TREF luamem_newref
memory.len luamem_realloc
memory.pack luamem_Unref luamem_resetref
memory.resize luamem_addvalue luamem_setref
memory.set luamem_asarray luamem_toarray
memory.tostring luamem_checkarray luamem_tomemory
memory.type luamem_checklenarg luamem_tomemoryx
memory.unpack luamem_checkmemory luamem_type