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FermiQ FermiQ
Im an intergalactic dust particle; hanging on a limited lifespan; anticipating a lightYr. old ray of luv 2 consummate with QFT; QT; Statistical Probabilistic QC


Tavi Truman TaviTruman
Developing modern semantics reasoners, rdf, rdfs, skos, owl parsers SDK/API, provers, solvers, and graph data structures. API/SDK for Semantic Reasoning

InKnowWorks, CORP & InKnowWorks Technologies San Jose, CA

Mikel Egaña Aranguren mikel-egana-aranguren
Knowledge Graphs, Linked Data, FAIR data, Open Data, Government Transparency, Ontology Engineering, Bioinformatics, Free Software, Semantic Web


Arash biothink

Mashhad University of Medical Sciences

Leila Kiani LK112019
A Scientific Information Analyst. Analyzing scientific information, typically related to biomedical research.
Alex Shkotin ashkotin
see linkedin


Nick Lynch nicklynch

Curlew Research UK

Abolfazl (Abe) abearab
Incoming PhD student @UCSF • Genetics, Functional Genomics, Systems & Synthetic Biology


Tim Prudhomme tmprd
Healthcare Interoperability, Domain Modeling, Knowledge Representation, Applied Ontology, Semantic Web, Functional Programming

Firely (@FirelyTeam) Chapel Hill, North Carolina

Zhang (Frank) Cheng biomystery
AD, Bioinformatics@SonomaBio, CAR-T cell therapy
J. Allen Baron allenbaron
Biocurator, data analyst and developer supporting @DiseaseOntology

University of Maryland School of Medicine Baltimore, MD

Nomi Harris nlharris
Program Manager for @berkeleybop; Chair of the Bioinformatics Open Source Conference (BOSC,

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Berkeley, CA