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This page should probably be broken into different pages, yet it is not. Here's its rough organization: the first part goes through the design and rationale of the DP algorithm used in fourpart. The second part contains some less organized notes and todos.

And regarding the /algorithms folder, it contains/archives many previous editions (onto which is affixed _first_draft, -ver1, -ver2 etc.) of the fourpart script for referential purposes. However, I strongly advise against using those versions as they contain typos and implementation mistakes, which lead to inaccurate and substandard results.

DP Explanation.

The DP (Dynamic Programming) Algorithm works as follows:

Break into Phrases

First, as input, we receive a chord progression (in Roman Numeral Analysis format) in the form of "phrases," smaller chord progressions most likely ending in a cadence (without rhythmic information). Here's an example:

D: I vi I6 IV I64 V I
D: I6 V64 I IV6 V I6 V
D: I IV6 I6 IV I64 V7 vi
D: I6 V43 I I6 ii65 V I
A: I IV64 I vi ii6 V7 I
b: iv6 i64 iv iio6 i64 V7 i
A: IV IV V I6 ii V65 I
D: IV6 I V65 I ii65 V7 I

Since the last chord of a phrase (which ends a cadence) is most likely held before continuing the next phrase, it does not need to follow the rules of voice leading to connect to the first chord of the subsequent phrase. Hence, we can naturally split apart this progression into phrases and deal with them separately.

Chord Voicing Generation

Then, for each chord in a phrase, we can generate appropriate voicings given the spacing and doubling rules. These rules are the following:

  • Spacing Rules:
    • Adjacent top voices are all ≤ one octave apart.
    • The Tenor and Bass are < two octaves apart.
    • None of the voices overlap.
  • Doubling rules:
    • In 6/4 chords (2nd-inversion triads), always double the fifth
    • In RP (root-position) and 1st-inversion triads, allow doubling any chord member that is not the contextual leading tone (LT).
    • In RP triads, also try incomplete chord structures (omit 5): tripled root, and doubled root with doubled third, as long as LT is not being doubled.
    • It is not necessary to double a not member in Seventh Chords, we simply voice the chord using each of its members once.
    • In RP Seventh Chords, aslo try incomplete chord structures (omit 5). The seventh cannot be doubled as it is a tendency tone by the PSR rule, so try doubling the root and doubling the third, as long as LT is not being doubled.

The purpose of these rules is to ensure that problematic voicings are impossible. This way, we have a basic guarantee of the quality of the output. These rules are, to some extent, heuristics: we cannot double leading tones or tendency tones because they must tend towards another tone that will create an objectionable parallelism down the road. This also reduces the quantity of potential voicings which we have to run DP on, significantly reducing search time.

Pairwise Inspection

Next, we observe that in four-part writing, many voice leading rules apply in vacuum between two chords. The only context required is a contextual key that determines how tendency tones should resolve. For example, the progression D: V7 vi has a contextual key of D, so the LT C# should resovle to the tonic D. Whereas for a secondary dominant (tonicization), D: V43/V/vi V7/vi has a contextual key that is the V/vi of D, which is E. Hence, in this progression, the LT D# should resolve to the tonic E.

Under this model, our goal is to quantize the quality of voice leading between each adjacent pair of chords, and then find an arrangement of voicings of the chords in the given phrase that maximize the voice leading quality.

A convenient way to quantize this uses the notion of cost. We assign a cost to each pair of voicings of adjacent chords. These costs represent penalty from violations of voice leading conventions. And by finding an optimal arrangement of voicingsthat minimizes the cost, we also maximize the quality. This cost is called voiceLeadingCost, and takes as input the voicings of two chords as well as their respective Roman Numeral Thoroughbass figures as context.

Furthermore, to encourage use of some chords over others, such as preferring complete chords to incomplete ones and preferring root doublings to fifth doublings, we can assign an inherent cost to each chord, hereon called chordCost, that returns the cost of using a chord. The more preferable the chord, the lower the cost.

Dynamic Search

Now, we can begin searching. Let's first store the roman numerals of the phrase in a list called romanNumerals, and let's store all the generated voicings in a list of lists called voicings. The length of these two lists are both phraseLength. The voicings of chord x of the phrase are located in the list stored as voicings[x]. Note that there is a different number of possible voicings for each chord, so the lengths of lists voicings[x] differ.1

Next, create an identical table called DP where we will store the data of our dynamic search. We first prime the first row of DP, corresponding to the first chord, with the chord costs of each chord. (The pseudocode is 1-indexed for convenience.)

repeat with i from 1 to length_of(voicings[1])
	store DP[1][i] = chordCost(voicings[1][i], romanNumerals[1])
end repeat

Afterwards, for each voicing in the subsequent chords, we want to store the minimal cost, and which voicing of the chord from the previous row gave this cost. To achieve this, we can use an iterative approach.

  • For a given voicing x of chord n, we compare it to each voicing y of chord n-1
    • we add the cheapest route so far to voicing y, which we determined earlier when we iterated the voicings of chord n-1, previousCost,
    • and add to it the voiceLeadingCost of (y -> x) and the chordCost of voicing x.
    • Then we choose the cheapest outcome, the bestCurrentCost, and store it together with the voicing y that achieved this cost into DP.

Let's see it in action. To start, we set bestCurrentCost to infinity and update it when a better cost is found.

repeat with n from 2 to phraseLength #(rest of the chords)
	repeat with x from 1 to length_of(voicings[n]) #(with all voicings of chord n)
		set bestCurrentCost = Infinity
		set bestCandidate = None
		repeat with y from 1 to length_of(voicings[n-1]) #(with all voicings of chord n-1)
			previousCost = DP[n-1][y].cost
			currentCost = previousCost + progressionCost(voicings[n-1][y], romanNumerals[n-1],
														 voicings[n][x], romanNumerals[n])
						  + chordCost(voicings[n][x], romanNumerals[n])

			if currentCost < bestCurrentCost then
				update bestCurrentCost = currentCost
				update bestCandidate = y # voicing that led to bestCurrentCost
			end if

		end repeat
		store DP[n][x] = (bestCurrentCost, bestCandidate)
	end repeat
end repeat

Of course, since the chordCost is invariable to y, we can add this after the loop. Many other similar implementation details have been left out in order to highlight the principle rationale of this algorithm.

Once we finish generating (memoizing) the DP table, we can retrace the solution.

  • First, look at the last row (final chord) of DP, which is DP[phraseLength]. Iterate through to find the final chord whose solution has the lowest cost, let's call this totalCost.
  • Let's say we find that the best solution (lowest cost) ends at index z, hence totalCost = DP[phraseLength][z].cost.
    • Then, the voicing in chord phraseLength-1 that led to this optimal solution is stored as DP[phraseLength][z].candidate.
    • We can repeat this procedure over and over to retrace the optimal solution, storing the candidates in a list as we go.
  • Once we're done, we can reverse this list to get our solution.

Here is the pseudocode:

set totalCost = Infinity
set z = None
repeat with i from 1 to length_of(DP[phraseLength])
	if DP[phraseLength][i].cost < totalCost then
		update totalCost = DP[phraseLength][i].cost
		update z = DP[phraseLength][i].candidate
	end if
end repeat

list solutionList
append voicing[phraseLength][z] to solutionList

repeat with n from phraseLength-1 down to 1
	update z = DP[n][z].candidate # best candidate voicing of previous chord
	append voicing[n][z] to solutionList
end repeat

reverse order of solutionList

return solutionList

Analysis and Optimization by Pruning

This algorithm takes advantage of the modular nature of the fourpart voice-leading problem. Thanks to the four-voice limit (there are only four voices), the chordCost and voiceLeadingCost functions all run in constant time. The most complex part of the algorithm is when

Hence, this algorithm runs in 𝒪(NL²) time, where N is phraseLength and L is the maximum number of voicings per chord, because its most complex part of the algorithm is checking every possible progression from the voicings of chord n-1 to the voicings of chord n, taking at most c⋅L²+d operations (where c and d are constants). This is done at N-1 times, giving us the analyzed running time of 𝒪(NL²).

This gives us yet another insight. Even though chordCost and voiceLeadingCost are constant-time operations, they are still rather slow because they utilize the music21 library, and the sample input presented above could take up minutes to compute on a modern computer (as of 2022).

One way we can improve this algorithm is by, conterintuitively, taking away the guarantee of optimality. This algorithm guarantees that it will give us one of the best solutions in terms of cost, wherein most of the chords are voice led pretty well. However, by the third chord, some of the optimal subroutes would have exeeded ten times that of the final optimal totalCost! There is no need to keep computing the voiceLeadingCosts for those subroutes, as they won't be anywhere near optimal unless something goes terribly wrong. In this case, we are making a bet that it won't.

The bet is that by eliminating all subroutes that underperform the optimal subroute by a certain factor after each iteration, we will still end up with an optimal solution or something very close to that. This constant factor is called the Confidence. However, this leads to a problem, especially when the optimal subroute cost is either 0 or a very small value, as this can lead the elimination of too many routes, and resulting in a suboptimal solution. This is where the second constant, Buffer comes in. So now, after each iteration, we go through that row in DP and find the minimalCost. Then, we go through that row of DP once again and throw away every term whose cost > Confidence * (minimalCost + Buffer). This can drastically reduce the computation cost, and in my experience testing common chord progressions, never led to a suboptimal solution (with higher cost).2 With this, we have effectively pruned the search space without losing much performance.

Lastly, when two simple root position triads (like I IV) are presented as the first two chords, they both provide around eighty potential voicings, where a decent portion of the possible pairs result in good voice leading, we have no reason to stall the program and search through them for an "extra good" progression. This is when we can use chordCost to prune less preferable voicings of the first chord with the help of a constant that we will call FirstBuffer. Note that, at this point, minimalCost is likely but not necessarily 0. We want to prune more choices if both A and B are large (if the first two chords both have a lot of potential voicings). So the following formula was devised to prune voicings of the first chord:

cost > Confidence * (minimalCost + FirstBuffer/(A*B))

Through experimentation, it was found that a good value for FirstBuffer is 10,000.

Extracting Multiple Solutions

One of the downsides of the DP algorithm implementation is the inability to locate an "equally good" or "second best" solution. Obvious ways of storing more than back-trackable voicing (bestCandidate) per chord will unanimously lead to an NP time algorithm, which is undesirable.

Though a fundamental modification of the algorithm would an important topic in the future, for now we will determine how to make the best use of the information we have to introduce a bit of variety in our solutions. The key lies in our DP memoized table. Though we don't have access to the next best solution, we have access to as many solutions as there are final voicings, and each of them is optimal up to that final chord. If we sort those final solutions by their total costs and then filter them based off how good they are, either absolutely (e.g. ≤100 cost) or in comparison to the best solution (like the confidence x min_cost method), we will have access to a few other "decent" solutions.

Python Implementation Optimizations

Lastly, it is also important to note our fundamental limitation. Since this program heavily relies on music21 so as to prevent re-inventing the wheel in basic music-theoretic constructs (e.g. enharmonic spellings, intervals, roman numeral identification). Hence, the speed of this program is limited by python's dynamically-typed interpreted nature and music21's design as a flexibility-first and speed-second library (as compared to programming from scratch in C or Java).

However, there are various techniques to speed up the algorithm so it can run in a reasonable amount of time (especially for use on personal laptops or repeated use once deployed on a server for the website). One such optimization is the search-space pruning presented above. This section provides a functional synopsis of the not-so-elegant and not-so-pythonic implementation optimizations of the current fourpart script.

First, upon inspecting the program, we notice that voiceLeadingCost is the most-frequently-run method during the DP algorithm. It could be called almost 10,000 times per pair of chords. And upon extensive testing, it becomes clear that voiceLeadingCost is the bottleneck of the program. It could be "slow" for a variety of reasons. First, it sets up key information about the two chords (such as their Roman Numerals, contextual keys, and the leading tone in the current key) that are independent of the voicings we receive as input. In other words, each call of voiceLeadingCost performs unnecessary, repeated computations. Another potential reason is because repeatedly accessing class data elements such as the config dictionary can be much slower in Python compared to accessing local variables.

One potential fix is to design a "factory function." Since, in the DP protocol, different voicings between the same two chords are put through the voiceLeadingCost function up to 10,000 times, we can precompute the chord information and other necessary results that will remain constant. Essentially, we pass information about the two chords to a factory function, which then constructs and returns a static function that quickly computes the voiceLeadingCost of any two voicings of those two chords specifically. This extracts redundant computations from the innter voiceLeadingCost function, doing a little extra work in order to compute these voicing-independent results once instead of 10,000 times. Furthermore, in this factory function we can also extract the necessary parameters from FourPart.config and store them as local variables, which will be preserved in the inner function by closure (thankfully!). This solution was able to speed up the amortized time-per-call on my machine by about 8 times, which reduced the benchmark running time from minutes to seconds. Without using more powerful tools like cpython or PyPy, I am quite satisfied with the result we were able to get.

Configuration of FourPart Class Object

The FourPart (Formerly SATB, is a family of classes collectively referred to as FourPart) class organizes methods and configuration data on an object-basis, allowing various function calls to utilize individual configurations. The configurations are passed in during initialization as keyword arguments. Once initialized, these parameters are not meant to be changed; however, they could still be modified as a dictionary located at FourPart.config, just note that these changes may not take effect everywhere.

It is possibile to allow for the updating of the configuration dictionary, especially as the FourPart object becomes large and hence expensive to create and worthy of reuse.

The following sections detail the currently existing configuration parameters for FourPart.

NOTE: the default values may not be up to date.

DP Algorithm Input

WARNING: The dp_pruning and dp_prune_first options have not currently been implemented.

Config Type Usage Default
dp_pruning Bool Prune the search space during DP. Drastic speed improvements, but might result in suboptimal solution. True
dp_prune_first Bool If Pruning is on, determines whether to prune voicings of the first chord. True
dp_confidence Float If Pruning is on, prunes all cost values greater than Confidence*(CurrentMin + Buffer) after each iteration. 1.2
dp_buffer Int Buffer to make sure pruning is not overdone when CurrentBest is zero or very small. 5
dp_first_buffer Int If Prune_First is on, prunes all starting chord voicings greater than Confidence*(CurrentMin + First_Buffer/(A*B)). 10000

Documentation of Configurations for chordCost

Here are the rules/preferences and their respective costs for individual chords. The last chord is given special consideration for cadential purposes. Setting any cost value to zero effectively disables it.

Config Type Usage Default
ch_voice_outside_common_range Int Cost of one voice going outside common range but still within acceptable range. 4
ch_voice_outside_range Int Cost of one voice going outside acceptable range. 1e7
ch_triad_did_not_double_root Int Cost of triad not doubling root. Does not apply to 2nd inversion triads, which are required to double the fifth (bass). 2
ch_triad_inc_tripled_root Int Cost of incomplete triad that is not the last chord tripling the root. 8
ch_triad_inc_doubled_third Int Cost of incomplete triad that is not the last chord doubling the root and the third. 8
ch_triad_inc_tripled_root_last Int Cost of last chord being an incomplete triad tripling the root. 1
ch_triad_inc_doubled_third_last Int Cost of last chord being an incomplete triad doubling the root and the third. 4
ch_seventh_inc_doubled_root Int Cost of incomplete seventh chord doubling the root. 1
ch_seventh_inc_doubled_third Int Cost of incomplete seventh chord doubling the third. 5
ch_last_not_authentic_third Int Cost of last chord being a root position tonic but the soprano is a third instead of a doubled root (IAC) 8
ch_last_not_authentic_fifth Int Cost of last chord being a root position tonic but the soprano is a fifth instead of a doubled root (IAC) 13

Documentation of Configurations for voiceLeadingCost

Here are the voice leading rules/preferences and their respective costs.

Config Type Usage Default
vl_lt_violation Int Cost of a non-dominant chord that violates ti→do voice leading (inevitable bass violations are forgiven). 50
vl_lt_violation_dominant Int Cost of a dominant function chord (root on scale degree 5 or 7) that violates ti→do voice leading 200
vl_frustrated_lt Int Cost of a frustrated leading tone (ti→sol). Only applies to inner voices, otherwise is still an LT violation. 2
vl_frustrated_lt_dominant Int Cost of a frustrated leading tone (ti→sol) on an inner voices in a dominant function chord. 5
vl_dominant_tt_not_resolved Int Cost of a tendency tone (fa→mi) not being resolved when a dominant chord "resolves" to a non-dominant chord (inevitable bass violations are forgiven). 100
vl_lt_tt_violation_cadential_multiplier float Multiplier of cost of LT or TT violation in a dominant function when succeeded by a tonic function chord (1 or 6) 2
vl_nd7_not_prepared Int Cost of nondominant seventh chord (chord2) not having its seventh prepared for a suspension. (P of PSR), (inevitable bass violations are forgiven). 20
vl_nd7_not_resolved Int Cost of nondominant seventh chord (chord1) not having its seventh resolved down a m2 or M2. (R of PSR), (inevitable bass violations are forgiven). 60
vl_voice_crossing Int Cost of each time one voice cross over another during voice leading. 40
vl_bass_leap_gt5 Int Cost of bass leaping more than a fifth but less than an octave. (Octave leaps are not considered here.) 20
vl_bass_leap_gt8 Int Cost of bass leaping more than an octave. (Octave leaps are not considered here.) 100
vl_bass_leap_dissonant Int Cost of bass leaping a dissonant (aug/dim) interval. 50
vl_tenor_leap_3 Int Cost of tenor leaping a third. 2
vl_tenor_leap_4to5 Int Cost of tenor leaping a fourth or a fifth. 10
vl_tenor_leap_gt5 Int Cost of tenor leaping more than a fifth but no more than an octave. 20
vl_tenor_leap_gt8 Int Cost of tenor leaping more than an octave. 100
vl_tenor_leap_dissonant Int Cost of tenor leaping a dissonant (aug/dim) interval. 50
vl_alto_leap_3 Int Cost of alto leaping a third. 2
vl_alto_leap_4to5 Int Cost of alto leaping a fourth or a fifth. 10
vl_alto_leap_gt5 Int Cost of alto leaping more than a fifth but no more than an octave. 20
vl_alto_leap_gt8 Int Cost of alto leaping more than an octave. 100
vl_alto_leap_dissonant Int Cost of alto leaping a dissonant (aug/dim) interval. 50
vl_soprano_leap_3 Int Cost of soprano leaping a third. 2
vl_soprano_leap_4to5 Int Cost of soprano leaping a fourth or a fifth. 15
vl_soprano_leap_gt5 Int Cost of soprano leaping more than a fifth but no more than an octave. 30
vl_soprano_leap_gt8 Int Cost of soprano leaping more than an octave. 150
vl_soprano_leap_dissonant Int Cost of soprano leaping a dissonant (aug/dim) interval. 100
vl_bass_leaps_octave_up Int Cost of bass leaping up an octave (as opposed to leaping down, which is slightly more natural in cadences). 5
vl_parallelism Int Cost of parallel or contrary fifths/8ves (objectionable parallelisms). 100
vl_parallelism_outer Int Cost of parallel or contrary fifths/8ves in outer voices (objectionable parallelisms). 200
vl_unequal_5 Int Cost of unequal fifth: Bass and other voice makes º5→5 progression (objectionable parallelisms). 75
vl_unequal_5_outer Int Cost of unequal fifth in outer voices: Bass and Soprano makes º5→5 progression (objectionable parallelisms). 150
vl_direct_parallelism Int Cost of direct fifths/8ves: Outer voice moving in similar motion into P5/P8 with a leap in Soprano (objectionable parallelisms). 80
vl_melody_static Int Cost of soprano in static motion. Melody should be interesting. 5
vl_outer_voices_similar_motion Int Cost of outer voices in similar motion. They should strive to be in contrary motion. 2
vl_repeated_chord_static Int Cost of a chord being repeated with no change in the upper voices. The upper voices should arpegiate. 50

Miscellaneous Properties of SATB Class Object

None as of now

Developer Notes

The following content is not organize for the purpose of presentation. It might be removed once its content is integrated into the previous sections.

Recognizing current problems

Here are a list of complaints I have about the algorithm in its current state. One major direction for the development of this algorithm would be to address some of these problems.

  1. The DP algorithm only generates one optimal solution. While some decently optimal ones can be found virtually without extra computation by retracing the solutions of the second and third best paths at the final chord, this doesn't completely address the problem. How could we address the problem, potentially replacing the DP algorithm with one that still runs in a reasonable amount of time?
  2. The DP algorithm only considers voice leading in a pairwise manner due to its efficiency constraints (being a polynomial-time algorithm rather than an NP algorithm), hence it tends to generate boring melodies. This is generally not a problem for the bass, and static inner voices is not wholly unacceptable for SATB writing (especially as a theory exercise); however, the boring or illogical melodies in the soprano part differentiate compositions of this algorithm from that of skilled students.

Roadmap and TODOs

  • reorganize the fourpart script for ease of use in the fourpart django app.
  • extend protocol to solve the SATB from bass line and figures and SATB given chord and melody problems. This may also provide a hint to solving the boring melody problem
  • extend customizability: for example, allow forcing final chords (ImPAC or PAC, etc.)


The benchmarks are done with respect to this example.

The native debug output is stored in accompanying log files with information on the extent of search-space pruning and

Voice Leading Rules Reference


64 chords need doubled bass:

Seventh chords in inversion are always Complete:

Incomplete seventh chords are necessary:

Chord and Voice Leading Cost rules.

ti->do is held universally unless the progression takes place in a secondary dominant, in which the ti->do is evaluated in the key of chord1's secondary dominant application.

fa->mi is not held universally, as it most often concerns the V7 and viiº (think the bassline of IV to V, that breaks fa->mi.) This fa->mi is treated as a specific case of the PSR rule of non-dominant sevenths. Of course, it has to be as a particular case applied to viiº (and viiø7).

Furthermore, it doesn't hurt to add a fa->mi rule with a smaller weight (though we're not doing that right now)

Music21 Optimizations

Finally, regarding Music21, which tends to be a little slow as it prefers flexibility to speed, this article offers some advice on speeding up Music21. Command+F the search term "speed" to find.

PySimpleGUI References: PySimpleGUI/PySimpleGUI#1077 # make window active # multiline scrolling


  1. They are not necessarily different, but they need not be the same either.

  2. We also have to understand that "cost" is something we arbitrarily defined based off Common Practice Era voice leading rules and other conventions taught in music theory classes today. Hence, we cannot really say that a cost-optimal chord progression is necessarily better than one that is sligtly sub-optimal. And, at the end of the day, we just want a nicely voice-led chord progression without obvious objectionable parallel fifths, so it makes sense to prune the search space.