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File metadata and controls

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Software Design Documentation

The Fission Server provides accounts, capabilities, and coordination for various services in the Fission ecosystem.

Use this as the main component for Fission hosted services. These are the ODD set of services, complimenting ODD SDK. Developers are the primary audience, but also early adopters who want an ODD account / "Login with ODD".

Let people who want run a managed namespace of accounts run their own instance of the server. This is likely an app developer with one or more apps and a large user base, or someone that wants to brand "Login with Brand" and accompanying domain names and other settings.

We may support multi-tenant in the future (hosting multiple "Login with Brand" experiences), but we'd rather see other people running instances first and/or have a clear desire for many of these.


  • Runnable by Fission, or deployed by others (self-hosting)
  • Easy to integrate into other backend services (modular, etc)
  • Record the information necessary for recovery and contact
  • Allow a user to manage a group of other users

User Stories

This service (currently) only manages accounts. In the future, the following scenarios should be supportable.

User Archetypes

Name Emoji Role Core Need
April 👩🏾‍💻 App Developer Publish & manage apps
Terri 🧑🏼‍💻 Technical User Publish files (e.g. backup their Desktop)
Usher 👨🏽‍🎨 App User Sign up for & use an app published to Fission's infra

Web Storage

Terri wants to backup their Desktop, wants to be able to view their data online, and is going to write some tools to sync data between their devices. They open the Fission CLI and sign up for the service with their email, and registers the username terri. The server returns a 200 OK and a UCAN enabling their local DID to upload to storage that is accessible to read at (e.g.) They make a CAR Mirror request to upload data to the file system (note: this is different from what we have today and is likely a good practice / solves a few edge cases that we've run into).

App Publishing

April wants to launch an app on Fission's service. She goes to the Fission CLI, and signs up for the service with her email, and registers the username april2023. She's prompted to set up a Passkey (which will be her root DID). A WNFS is created, delegates a superuser UCAN to did:key:zAprilPasskey. April is prompted to register an app name or use the default (autogenerated friendly-pink-dragon), and select a directory that she wants to upload (./). The app directory is uploaded via CAR Mirror, and DNSLink at is set.

Managed Homestar FaaS

Terri wants to register a function on Odd Functions. They go to the Fission CLI, and signs up for the service with their email, and registers the username terri2023. They're prompted to set up a Passkey (which will be their root DID). The Fission FaaS service then delegates 1000 credits to did:key:zTerriPasskey.


Resource DIDs

In the previous (Haskell) server, the user's DID was registered directly in the (central) database. This approach has a few drawbacks:

  • Requires a DB lookup to find the associated owner for an account (or other resource)
  • Doesn't provide a solution to uniquely identifying a single resource in a one-to-many relationship
  • Has ACL semantics at the final step of the delegation (which is not unheard of in capability modeling)

Instead, if every resource (include the account itself) is uniquely identified by a DID, then UCANs can be used throughout without resorting to an external ownership list. With this approach, the keys for the resource may be stored in a KMS, or ideally dropped completely after delegating root access to one or more controllers. To solve for recovery and a server-controlled revocation fail-safe, a key may be kept offline (i.e. a "cold DID") and delegated to.

Here is one example of such a DID hierarchy:

    RootServerDID --> 2023ServerDID
    2023ServerDID --> Jan2023ServerDID
    2023ServerDID --> Feb2023ServerDID
    2023ServerDID --> Mar2023ServerDID

    RootServerDID --> 2024ServerDID
    2024ServerDID --> Jan2024ServerDID
    2024ServerDID --> Feb2024ServerDID
    2024ServerDID --> Mar2024ServerDID

    RootServerDID --> ...

Here is one such flow, with a cold server DID and monthly hot server DID:

    participant AccountDID
    participant ServerRootDID
    participant JanServerDID
    participant FebServerDID
    actor UserRootDID

    Note over AccountDID, UserRootDID: Earlier Server Setup
    ServerRootDID ->> JanServerDID: UcanDelegate(any)
    ServerRootDID ->> FebServerDID: UcanDelegate(any)

    Note over AccountDID, UserRootDID: Account Creation
    UserRootDID ->>+ JanServerDID: newAccount(RootDID)
        JanServerDID ->>+ AccountDID: spawn_with_parent!(ServerRootDID)
        AccountDID ->> ServerRootDID: UcanDelegate(Account) [Note: because parenthood]
        AccountDID -->> AccountDID: dropPrivateKey!
        ServerRootDID -->> JanServerDID: [recall that this UCAN delegation exists]
    JanServerDID ->>- UserRootDID: UcanDelegate(Account)

    Note over AccountDID, UserRootDID: Later Access
    UserRootDID ->>+ AccountDID: Invoke!
    AccountDID ->>- UserRootDID: Ok, done

    Note over AccountDID, UserRootDID: JanServerDID goes Byzantine
    ServerRootDID -x JanServerDID: Revoke!
    ServerRootDID -->> FebServerDID: [recall that this UCAN delegation exists]
    FebServerDID ->> UserRootDID: UcanDelegate(Account) [Reissue]

Note that in the revocation case, RootServerDID revokes all previous delegations affected by the Byzantine DID. This means that they "should" be re-issued, but the blast radius is contained. If more granularity is desired, the predelegation tree of server agents can be made deeper.


    FullAccount ||--o{ SubAccount: has

    FullAccount ||--o{ Capability: has
    SubAccount  ||--o{ Capability: has

    FullAccount ||--o{ App : owns

    App ||--|{ HostName : has
    App ||--|| Storage  : has

    UCAN       ||--|{ Capability : contains
    Revocation ||--|| UCAN       : revokes

    FullAccount {
        string   did            PK
        string   username       UK
        string   email

    SubAccount {
        string   did            PK
        int      manager_did    FK

    HostName {
      string     did            PK
      string     domain_name
      string     subdomain

    App {
      string     did            PK
      string     owner_id       FK
      string     host_name_id   FK
      string     storage_id     FK

    Capability {
        int      id             PK
        string   cid
        string   aud            FK
        string   uri
        string   ability
        string   caveat
        datetime nbf
        datetime exp

    Revocation {
        string   revocation_cid PK
        string   ucan_cid

API Endpoints

See the API Design Doc.


There are two types of Account:

  • Full Account / direct relationship
  • Sub User / managed by a Verified User

The distinction is roughly "who is the point of contact?" (Fission or one of our other users).

Full Account

The core of the account system: Full Accounts. These are the people that we have direct relationships with. This anology only goes so far, but it's like setting up a root (AWS) IAM account. As such, we MUST record their username and email. They also get attached Volume storage out of the box.

A Full Account has the following fields:

Field Type Role Unique Required
did String Primary Key Yes Yes
username String Yes Yes
email String No Yes

Sub Account

A "Sub User" is an account where the relationship is mediated by a Full User. As such, Fission does not need to keep as much information about them.

This relationship also has knock-on effects, such as billing the Sub Account's usage to the associated Full User's account (once billing is set up).

A Sub Account has the following fields:

Field Type Role Unique Required
did String Primary Key Yes Yes
manager_id1 String Foreign Key No Yes


Dynamic capabilities are not available at time of writing.

To facilitate UCAN delegation when users are offline, the Fission server adapts some patterns from object capabilities. As new resources are delegated to an account's DID, the relevant UCAN is captured in a cache and indexed. This provides the ability to attach arbitrary capabilities to an account.

In object oriented terms, this means that the account learns about new messages that it can call. From the perspective of the delegated root user, it means that new APIs (or RPC actions) are possibly available dynamically. The capabilities may or may not be exposed to the delegated user ("account owner"), since these may be abstracted away by a server-managed resource ("object"). When delegatable, an endpoint should be available for the delegated user to download from the cache. Clearing this cache is not required except for after expiration or revocation.

The UCAN that contains the capability is kept in binary storage (i.e. an object store). The capability is indexed for lookup performance:

Field Type Role Unique Required
id Int Primary Key Yes Yes
cid String No Yes
aud String Foreign Key No Yes
uri String No Yes
ability String No Yes
caveat String No No
nbf DateTime No Yes
exp DateTime No Yes


Revocation tracking is very useful. A simple revocation store can be modeled as follows:

Field Type Role Unique Required
revocation_cid String Primary Key Yes Yes
ucan_cid String No Yes


Storage is not available at time of writing.

When File System storage become available, an association to Accounts should be made:

Storage has the following fields:

Field Type Role Unique Required
did String Primary Key Yes Yes
root_cid String No Yes
quota_bytes Int No Yes
used_bytes Int No Yes

Host Name

Domain names are not available at time of writing.

Field Type Role Unique Required
did String Primary Key Yes Yes
domain_name String No Yes
subdomain String No No


Apps are not available at time of writing.

Field Type Role Unique Required
did String Primary Key Yes Yes
owner_id String Foreign Key No Yes
host_name_id String Foreign Key Yes Yes
storage_id String Foreign Key No Yes


Eventual Interop

We would like to seamlessly interop with other products and services in our orbit, such as Noosphere, Number0, DAG House, and Bacalhau. Being able to support DIDs generated by them, or transparently have them (e.g.) use us for DNS or us use them for storage would be helpful.

What About NNS?

Part of the BYOR (bring your own resource) philosophy means that we can take the mutable pointers out of our managed DNS and move them to NNS. Of course NNS also manages things like DIDs, but for pointers to e.g. the latest WNFS, updating in NNS is a good source of truth (it's where the idea originated after all).

How we'd interact with NNS is a whole other question. It's technically a separate system, though we'd run at least one node. Would we run a NNS gateway? Would we poll and update DNS as we track certain records? Would NNS look up records from our DNS? These are questions for when we get closer.


  1. Billing requires having this information stored directly in the database. However, control over a subaccount may be granted separately via UCAN. Having UCAN be the main mode of tracking authority is possible, but This relationship may also be modelled with UCANs and capability store, but we have opted to not do that for reasons of efficient query and ease of enforcing invariants.