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165 lines (109 loc) · 7.93 KB


neil: a CLI to add common aliases and features to deps.edn-based projects

See the New Clojure project quickstart blog post for a gentle introduction into neil.


  • #230: neil dep upgrade inserts git/url into upgraded dep (@teodorlu)
  • #237: more specific error reporting on invalid github token (@teodorlu)
  • #241: ignore missing deps file (instead of throwing) in neil new (@bobisageek)


  • #215: neil add kaocha adds :kaocha alias with irregular indent (@teodorlu)
  • #220: neil add print helptext rather than crash (@teodorlu)
  • #227: Support :neil/pinned true to skip version updates when updating with neil dep upgrade


  • #209: add newlines between dependencies
  • #185: throw on non-existing library
  • Bump babashka.cli
  • Fetch latest stable slipset/deps-deploy, instead of hard-coding (@vedang)
  • Several emacs package improvements (@agzam)


  • #205: neil add build now adds the latest version of deps-deploy from Clojars


  • #194: dep search in addition to Clojars, now also searches on Maven
  • #92: neil dep upgrade: delete rogue "`" character from helptext (@teodorlu)


  • Fix NPE during neil dep upgrade


  • #181: fix neil --version
  • fix tests by referring to latest hiccup (@teodorlu)
  • #180: neil dep upgrade: allow upgrading from an unstable version to the latest unstable version (@teodorlu)
  • #180: neil dep upgrade: with --unstable, opt-into unstable library updates (@teodorlu)
  • #183: Don't drop :exclusions when running neil dep add or neil dep upgrade (@borkdude and @teodorlu)

0.1.60 (2023-03-22)

  • #177: neil dep add: add latest unstable version if no stable versions are found (@teodorlu)
  • Continue upgrading deps even when some HTTP calls contain 5xx response codes

0.1.59 (2023-03-09)

  • #173: neil new: Support Git repos without tags

0.1.58 (2023-03-08)

  • #171: better stable version check
  • #170: always print and coerce :version as string

0.1.57 (2023-03-02)

  • [#166]: Update neil new -h output to include list of provided templates (@teodorlu)
  • Upgrade git libs using explicit :git/url when available

0.1.56 (2023-02-17)

  • #163: Upgrade libraries, including deps-new to 0.5.0, which no longer uses @seancorfield's wrapper in project templates

0.1.55 (2023-02-05)

  • Bug fix for kaocha alias and script typos (@KingMob)

0.1.54 (2023-02-04)

  • #159: fix pmap + requiring-resolve issue

0.1.53 (2023-01-31)

  • Clojars search improvements (@tobias)

0.1.52 (2023-01-30)

  • Fix fetching versions from maven central

0.1.51 (2023-01-30)

  • Fix neil dep add
  • Provide bbin install instructions installing a development version (@teodorlu)

0.1.49 (2023-01-29)

  • Fix incorrect "Requires clean working directory" error in neil version
  • #148: Always add latest kaocha version
  • #148: Print instructions for making a bin/kaocha script
  • #146: Prefer stable versions when running neil dep upgrade. Versions with any qualifier (like -rc1, -alpha, etc). are considered unstable.
  • Fix neil dep search helptext formatting (@teodorlu)
  • Move neil dep upgrade helptext into subcommand (@teodorlu)
  • #150: swap babashka.curl for babashka/http-client

0.1.48 (2023-01-20)

  • Print a message and exit when the github rate-limit is reached (#136) (@russmatney)
  • Friendlier env vars for neil github token usage (#136) (@russmatney)
    • BABASHKA_NEIL_DEV_GITHUB_TOKEN -> NEIL_GITHUB_TOKEN The old env vars are left in-place as a fallback, but may be removed in a future version.
  • neil dep add: Always write library names as namespaced symbols (@teodorlu)
    • Old behavior: neil dep add http-kit writes http-kit {:mvn/version "2.7.0-alpha1"} to deps.edn
    • New behavior: neil dep add http-kit writes http-kit/http-kit {:mvn/version "2.7.0-alpha1"} to deps.edn

0.1.47 (2022-10-19)

  • neil dep add now supports --tag and --latest-tag (@russmatney)
  • neil dep upgrade enhancements (@russmatney)
    • when :git/tag is used, upgrades to the repo's latest tag (instead of the latest sha)
    • support prefixless :tag and :sha coords, which tools.deps supports (for backwards compatibility)
    • upgrade alias deps (now the default).
      • neil dep upgrade --alias tests supports upgrading deps for a particular alias.
      • neil dep upgrade --no-aliases supports upgrading only the project deps.
    • the neil dep upgrade --dry-run output can now be piped back into neil dep add, so you can now select a single upgrade from a list of available via fzf:
      neil dep upgrade --dry-run | fzf | xargs ./neil dep add
  • Don't add libraries when version is unknown (@russmatney)

0.1.46 (2022-10-12)

0.1.45 (2022-08-30)

  • Add neil version subcommands
    • neil version (updated, now includes project version)
    • neil version set [version]
    • neil version [major|minor|patch] [version]
    • neil version tag


  • Save project name in :aliases {:neil {:project {:name ...}}}
  • Generate default test with neil add test based on project name
  • Use project name in build.clj


  • Add neil test


  • Support neil dep search --help
  • Upgrade deps


  • Minor improvements for new


  • Add neil new: invokes deps-new with template. Recommended template to use with neil is scratch. Type neil new --help to see help.

  • Add neil add nrepl: add :nrepl alias to deps.edn