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Prefect v2 AWS Infrastructure

The goal of this project is to deploy the AWS infrastructure needed for running Prefect flows.

This setup is inspired by the Prefect recipes defined here.

The guide for how we leverage environments and different kinds of agents can be found here.

Prefect flow execution needs the following infrastructure components:

  • ECS Clusters for Fargate Tasks.

  • Custom docker image for the Prefect Agent.

  • ECS Services for the Prefect Agent:

    • These services will need to have the proper IAM access to submit and monitor ECS tasks.
    • This will run on ECS Fargate. We will deploy a staging and main agent. We call these deployment_types. Flows pushed to the staging-v2 branch will use the staging agent and flows pushed to the main-v2 branch will use the main agent. This is how we provide development and production capabilities in a production grade Prefect environment.
    • There will be an option to leverage a dev agent where flows will run on AWS development infrastructure.
  • IAM roles and S3 resources for flows:

    • ECS tasks submitted for flows will need to have proper IAM access for executing the flow and for leveraging AWS resources in the flow.
    • We also need an S3 bucket for storing flow files and flow run artifacts.
  • IAM roles for CircleCI OIDC based workflows

    • Flow deployments will leverage ECR for building and pushing docker images. The flow CICD process will leverage Open ID Connect in CircleCI to interact with ECR safely. This project creates those roles.

We have the ability to validate our infrastructure via the Development AWS Account. Production deployments are applied to the Production AWS Account.

Finally, we are leveraging the Terraform CDK (cdktf) for defining infrastructure as code. We are leveraging the terraform-modules that Pocket manages.

The best way to navigate the AWS resource development is by starting with src/main.ts and work backwards.

The custom docker image for the Prefect Agent lives at docker/agent/Dockerfile.

All of the CICD required is orchestrated by CircleCI using the configuration defined at ../.circleci.