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File metadata and controls

285 lines (200 loc) · 9.82 KB

Elimination task 2


Build a GitHub repository about an island of Indonesia that is missing from OpenStreetMap.


This task assists participants gain an advanced understanding of geospacial data, data formats, data quality, and an appreciation of the status of Open Data in Indonesia.

This task provides participants with the opportunity to create an island in OpenStreetMap, but this is not required.


OpenStreetMap (OSM) is a map of the world, created by people like you, and free to use under the open license odbl.

The data can be easily queried and visualised using overpass turbo.

OSM objects can include metadata 'tag' that link the OSM object to other systems, such as the wikidata and wikipedia tag that links the object to those respective Wikimedia projects.

A OSM relation object is the most stable type of OSM object, and Wikidata includes links to OSM relations. The two other types of OSM objects are ways and nodes, which are not stable and are not permitted in Wikidata.

The following query finds all 'relation' objects that are islands of Indonesia, that have a Wikidata or Wikipedia identifier.

out body;

The result is very large and map cause your browser to freeze. The geojson result of that query is stored in the uni-task-2 repository, and may be loaded in any GIS tool on your desktop.

You can view the rendered map from that query in the small file wikimedia_connected_island_relation.png in the uni-task-2 repository, showing that many islands of Indonesia do not have an island object that is connected to Wikimedia projects.

The above query only includes the outermost OSM objects. To see all inner nodes and their attributes, change the > to >> to recursively descend

The repository also has the query and geojson for ways that are islands, and are connected to Wikimedia projects.

Another useful query is all coastline data of Indonesia, and related objects:

out body;

This is stored in coastline.geojson. It is August data.

There is also relations and ways that are not connected to Wikimedia projects that might be useful for this task.


Accept invite

You will receive an email from GitHub Classroom, inviting you to do an assignment in the GitHub BesutKode organisation.

You need to accept that invitation.

Accepting that invitation will create a new private repository for you, however it will be converted to a public repository on 20 November 2016.

Note there is a bug in GitHub Classroom that causes duplicate repositories to be created. If you have multiple repositories created, do not use the repository with suffix -1 (etc). They will be deleted by the Besut Kode admin team.

Everything you do will be public forever.

DO NOT link to an Issue or Pull Request of another repository.

There is a "slack" team for this task, only accessible by participants of Besut Kode Universitas that have completed task 1:

You will receive an invite from slack to join this team.

This channel is private.

Behave professionally and collegially.

You have been given administrative rights on your assignment repository.

DO NOT add collaborators to your respository. This will result in immediate disqualification. If you want to share data or code with other participants, use the uni-task-2 repository.

Activate Travis CI Pro

You should enable Travis CI Pro on your repository.

Then create a branch "citest" and confirm that it is running jobs correctly.

The BesutKode plan with Travis CI Pro only allows one concurrent build, so please enable and disable it in your Travis CI Pro preferences as needed to avoid running long jobs for little insignificant commits to your repository.

Use it when you need it, to do a full build.

Find a missing island

Use the data provided, and overpass turbo queries, to find an island of Indonesia that:

  • is not a relation object in OpenStreetMap
  • is not connected to Wikimedia
  • is more than 10 kms in length, or is 10 kms away from another island
  • has more than 1,000 residents

If you find a relation that is only missing a connection to Wikimedia, you are encouraged to edit the OpenStreetMap relation and add the missing connection. This helps you eliminate the object from further queries by yourself and other participants.

An existing way object is ideal for this task, as it already contains the shape data that is already licenced under the correct open data license.

Register your project

Only one participant may work on an island. This is to avoid duplicated and wasted effort by participants.

To prevent multiple participants doing the same island, each participant will create a page on the BesutKode repository wiki about the island they have selected before commencing work.

Once you have found an eligible island, first search the uni-task-2 wiki to check if someone else has already chosen the same island.

If nobody else has already selected the same island, create a page on the wiki named with your GitHub username, and include the following:

  1. The name of your island
  2. The province and regency(ies) of the island
  3. Link to the Wikidata item about the island (create the item if it is missing)
  4. Link to any Wikipedia pages that are about the island
  5. An estimated population size, with links as evidence
  6. Any other information you believe is relevant.

Writing in bahasa Indonesia is acceptable.

Create a wiki page in uni-task-2 about your island, with evidence that it meets the criteria above.

Populate your repository

Your repository should contain a well documented collection of open data about your island, always describing where any data came from (both attribution, and provenance), and the license of the data.

If a relevant dataset is hosted in a reliable publicly accessible version controlled system, such as GitHub and OpenStreetMap, it is not necessary to copy the data into your repository.

Create a program or script or query, in any programming language, to extract relevant data from those open data datasets to create a GeoJSON (or similar format) file that has:

  • an accurate shape for the island, using public domain or ODBL data
  • two additional sets of information about the island, using any open data

The file should be stored in your repository.

For example, on your island map, you might add:

  • administrative borders if the island has multiple regencies or districts
  • postal regions
  • approximate regions of ethic or language groups
  • protected areas
  • lakes or mountains
  • ship-wrecks

The sets of information included must be comprehensive, and "data driven", based on documented and sensible critera.

It is acceptable to only show mountains above a certain reasonable size that you select. It is not acceptable to arbitarily select a few mountains.

If any part of your data processing is not automated, document the manual steps used in excruciating detail, so that someone else could easily follow the same procedure and obtain the same results. Your results must be verifiable.

The automated steps of your process should be performed on Travis CI.

Do NOT create an island relation in OpenStreetMap without permission from @jayvdb. The process you used to create the geoshape will need to be verified, otherwise your island may violate the legal framework of OSM, and will need to be deleted. See Legal_FAQ. This task does not require that you upload the island into OpenStreetMap.

Create a presentation

Build an application that visualises your raw data.

The simplest method is a HTML page that uses OpenLayers to create custom maps.

However you are free to build a graphical application in any programming language.

The application must be built on Travis CI Pro.

The application must be MIT licensed.


When you believe you have finished, run a fresh build in Travis CI of your latest commit. It must be green.

Create an issue in the Besut Kode uni-task-2 repository assigned to @jayvdb.

The title of your issue should be your GitHub username, and the body of your issue should be a link to your wiki page.

DO NOT link to an Issue or Pull Request of another repository.

John will check your lated Travis CI builds, which must be green.

The assessment will review that the process used to create the geoshape and associated sets of information is predominately sourcing the data from open data, or data presumed to be public domain and open.

The island shape will be compared with commercial map data to ensure that it is similar, but is not the same.

The application will be viewed to ensure that the data curated in your repository is presented to the user in the application.


Geospacial Information Q&A is primarily covered by, which is a sister website of StackOverflow.

Related StackOverflow tags